Pls Help!

Please someone tell me if there is some way to make a site look good in both 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 sorry if this is in the wrong place…i wasn’t sure where to put this question…

If i design in 800 the site looks microscopic in 1024 if i design in 1024 it looks enormous in 800…so if i export a site designed in 1024 in dreamweaver …well anyway is there anything i should know about having a site look good in both or is it just that i have to figure out how to make it look good in both as i design?


in your publish settings, under HTML, Dimensions…

choose pixel and select pixel size (this will give you the same movie size regardless of resolution), or…

choose percent and something like 85%… that will make the movie grow or shrink depending on resolution.

Based on what you’ve written, I would say choose the percent option and set it to 100%. Take a look, wash, rinse, repeat.

why thank you so much :beam: I will try that as soon as i get home!!!