Images I was interrogated over

lol, I told you I work for the college! Ugh.

Must of missed that post… which College?

I think there’s people at Guantanamo that have been there longer than 48 hours. I could be wrong though.

^They don’t count though because they are not technically on American soil and not American.

In response to Sirisian’s thread:

[COLOR=White]There have been some examples of the government cracking down on REAL terrorist cells, like the Jamaat-al Fuqra compounds in Colorado, Virginia and a few other states - and good on 'em. My concern is that too much police state foolishness will be used against innocent Americans, or people who simply dissent - i.e. Zion Ranch, Waco, Ed & Elaine Brown, Katrina’s aftermath, the floods in Iowa, etc. If people give up their freedoms, the terrorists have already won.[/COLOR]
I’m all retarded from medicine, how do I use spoiler tags again?

lol that videos great[ot]^spoiler requires that you tell what the spoiler is [spoiler=something][/ot]

;( Yeah, thank god they started wiretapping us or else the big scary terrorists would get us.

Never gets to national news but I’ve heard of some weapon cache they got in Philadelphia.

Back when all this police state **** was embraced by the public, they always put **** in the news where they had busted a suspected “terrorist cell”. They still try to, they’re just running out of people to frame.

I’m not really sure why you cared that they interrogated you. You have nothing to hide under the 1st amendment. Not to mention the longest they can hold you is 48 hours for no reason. Overreacting is fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Hm, I probably cared because it’s scary as hell to tracked down by a group of people with guns who can put you in jail as long as they want.
Under-reacting is dangerous. :crazy:

However, it is illegal to say you want to kill the president. That law is there to stop death threats or fake ones for that matter.

I have never said that, but have always wondered why we claim to have free speech if we can’t say certain things without being imprisoned.

[ot]Did your wife lose her job because the secret service showed up to your door? I find that very hard to believe because that’s illegal to fire someone over that kind of hearsay.[/ot]

I can’t say why she got fired. I didn’t fire her. She got fired on the day I was being searched for. She suspects her boss was the snitch and didn’t feel safe with her working there.

Do you really think that our govt. is looking out for our best interests by taking away our rights? Or could it be that they are ensuring job-security by scaring/arresting activists who would speak out against their neo-fascism? :diss:

Only eight days ago did the supreme court declare Section 7 of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (which took away terror suspects’ right to habeas corpus) unconstitutional.

But anyway, I’m just sayin.

omfg… I’m peeing myself.
I am going to distribute that in as many ways as humanly possible.

…I wonder how many times I can watch that before I’m arrested by the cop in the next room. :slight_smile:

[quote=w1sh;2346410];( Yeah, thank god they started wiretapping us or else the big scary terrorists would get us.

Back when all this police state **** was embraced by the public, they always put **** in the news where they had busted a suspected “terrorist cell”. They still try to, they’re just running out of people to frame.[/quote]Or maybe the media doesn’t think people find it interesting anymore? I know I don’t. If it’s not interesting it won’t leave local news. This is almost as bad as watching CNN and their 24/7 campaign coverage.

Hm, I probably cared because it’s scary as hell to tracked down by a group of people with guns who can put you in jail as long as they want.
Under-reacting is dangerous. :crazy:[/quote]oh great, speculation. It’s top secret, so it must be bad and bad things are happening. Or maybe it’s top secret so that the information doesn’t get leaked before they can use it. </more speculation>

I have never said that, but have always wondered why we claim to have free speech if we can’t say certain things without being imprisoned.
[/quote]What are you referring to? Saying fire when there isn’t one? Saying you’re going to kill the president? Threatening someones life? It’s not like they put the restrictions to take away freedoms like it’s some government censorship thing. Actually you can get away with most anything under the first ammendment as long as it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s rights. The main idea behind free speech is that you can voice your opinion about topics. That’s not true in all countries.

One thing people need to get into their heads is that “Freedom of speech” doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want without consequence.


The mainstream news is trash. Get real news here:

And of course, Digg, Fark, Fazed, etc. :thumb2:

This kind of reminded me of this video. Scary times.

[quote=sekasi;2346440]One thing people need to get into their heads is that “Freedom of speech” doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want without consequence.

Why not?

Constitution or not, if you walk up to a cop and curse him out, you’re up ****'s creek. Likewise, if you walked up to me and said something offensive about my Mom, or a relative, perhaps - and I didn’t know you well enough to take it as a joke - I just might club the offender to death like a seal. For every action, there’s a reaction. Freedom in general doesn’t mean freedom from responsibility, ever. In fact, it means more responsibility. Sekasi IS right about that - if what you say endangers someone’s life - i.e. a threat or inciting riots, or is slander/libel, there can be repercussions.

Of course people don’t find the media interesting anymore. They’re as crooked as their political counterparts. People are starting to find alternate forms of news, sometimes even creating them (in the case of bookmarking sites like reddit).

This is almost as bad as watching CNN and their 24/7 campaign coverage.
You ever wonder if maybe they are boring us on purpose so that real news goes unnoticed.

oh great, speculation. It’s top secret, so it must be bad and bad things are happening. Or maybe it’s top secret so that the information doesn’t get leaked before they can use it. </more speculation>
:huh: Or maybe it’s a cover-up trying to be exposed?

What are you referring to?
Speaking of revolution in a violent manner is the only thing our govt. pursues. How come when some guys are fighting and one says “I’ll kill you!” he isn’t tortured and asked who is going to help him?

Actually you can get away with most anything under the first ammendment as long as it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s rights.
I concede that point. You should not be allowed to infringe on someone’s rights. It’s unfortunate that our govt. has made a hobby of it.

Edit: @Dan: thanks for the listing of real news. :slight_smile:
Edit2: @Dan + Sekasi: Yeah, but you can cuss out a cop and he won’t get arrested when he tazes you. You can club me to death, but you’ll get the chair.
The point is, there is a blatant double standard for the law. If you work for the law, you are almost immune to it.

Like Dan said, the phrase “Freedom of speech” isn’t meant to be taken literal. In many countries with ‘freedom of speech’ it is still illegal to say ‘heil hitler’ or such. In Germany it’s against the law to deny the holocaust. Here in the US there are other phrases that aren’t generally legal (such as mentioned above)

Apart from those obvious phrases, freedom of speech also won’t protect you while uttering threats, slander, abuse, sexism, racism or other nasty things that come out of your mouth.

Hence, freedom of speech doesn’t mean 'I say what I want without consequence". Think of it more as a societal guideline that people’s opinions shouldn’t be oppressed. That you can freely express your political thoughts, ideas and ideals without risking political or religious persecution. Not all countries adhere to this obviously, but most ‘western’ countries do.

It’s important to realize that noone that abides under a government is ‘free’ however. It’s strangely ironic how America in general puts so much stress on fight for freedom and war for freedom when the American people enjoy much less ‘freedoms’ than most European countries. I say that based on laws that can be passed. The patriot act for example is a shining example.

Sorry, didn’t mean to get sidetracked, just wanted to clarify the freedom of speech thing I wrote.

I’m pretty sure that racism and sexism and plenty of other nasty viewpoints are covered under the First Amendment here in the US.

Otherwise we wouldn’t still have Neo-Nazis and KKK groups allowed to march all over the place.

And you guys should probably cool it down some so this thread doesn’t get locked.

Freedom of speech has been so construed in the past 50 years it doesn’t really matter anymore. People are trying to turn the amendments into something they weren’t intended for and are destroying them in the process.

Gundark, walk up to a African American in front of witnesses and call him the N word and we’ll see where that gets you :wink:

You still have the freedom to say it. It’s not illegal.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be at your door and you will probably get fired, but hey, your boss has the freedom to fire you and Shaprton/Jackson have the freedom to hound you.