how can i make some cool looking pictures
what is good i heard photoshop7 is good
how can i make some cool looking pictures
what is good i heard photoshop7 is good
It depends on what kind of image you’re trying to create, do you want 3D, 2D, vector?
The majority of the people here use Photoshop or Fireworks to edit their images even if they’re created from another program so either of those 2 programs would be a good start for you.
Take a look at the tutorial sticky thread for some tutorials.
i all ready have fireworks
I would get photoshop 7, Its pretty much the standard. And there is so much you can do with it. Its a must! (to me anyway)
like what
between this and the vector drawing thread you started, it
sounds to me like you are lazy and afraid to try some things for
yourself. Why don’t you just get some of these programs they’ve
named for you and give them a try?
No one is going to sit here and type out for you how to do
everything for you. :sigh:
yeah right like i am going to spend £400 on photoshop then not use it
and no demos i hate them, they r banned from my CPU:angry:
i wouldn’t buy photoshop unless you are sure you want to spend a lot of time doing this sorta stuff… a good way to find out is to get the demo, but if you aren’t willing to do that, then you’ll have to just take a gamble or go without it.
if you already have fireworks, then why don’t you do stuff with that? its perfectly good for making images and such, and there are plenty of people who use it
good luck
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