I need a web graphics program

Well I just want some suggestions on some good web graphic making programs. I currently have photoshop 7 and fireworks MX for graphics but i find it restricting and lame… I would like to make 3d pictures with diffeent photo-like effects. Just like 3d spikes. And I have Bryce but i dont get it.

photoshop and fireworks are lame? you gotta be kidding me, those are 2 of the most important programs you’ll ever use if you’re planning on designing. Even when you’re making stuff like 3d spikes from 3d studio max or cinema4d, they need to be touched up in such programs like photoshop and fireworks. You want to do different photo effects? well photoshop and fireworks will do that for you. So before you give up on it, why don’t you try it out a lil bit longer, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it eventually. As for the spikes stuff, stry using 3d studio max since most of the spike stuff you see is made with that program.

I agree…

I use Fireworks for all of my web-graphics need…


What’s the difference between Fireworks and Photoshop? I’ve never used Fireworks.


Fireworks is both vector and raster…

and 1/2 the price of Photoshop.

Fireworks was designed for the web designer in mind…

It will do an amazing amount of things.

Photoshop, on the other hand, will do amazing things, mostly for print…

I have used FW since inception, it is the foremost optimization tool for the web, ever… serious…

[SIZE=1]::I don’t have Photoshop or Illustrator installed, I haven’t needed them, yet ::[/SIZE]

in short: F’n great proggy… I highly recommend it…


totally agreed with rev

fireworks rocks!!
just a couple of filters and plugins … that’s all I’ve ever asked for :slight_smile:

<center><font size=“1”><br/>la inteligencia se mide con la maldad</font></center>

I taught Fireworks 1, when it was first released… the design school I went to had no instructors versed in MM at all…

I saw the 4 way optimizing screen, and was sold… I haven’t gone back. Now, my PS skills have suffered (but that hasn’t cost me a penny).

Fireworks MX is the SHizNiT…


Rev, now I’m really curious, I’ve only been using Photoshop for about a year now so I guess it doesn’t hurt to try Fireworks. Who knows, I might not switch back. =) Would it be easy for me to pick up since I already know Photoshop? Is the interface and tools similar?

Let me put it this way…

MM had to change it’s GUI, do to a lawsuit by Adobe, because it’s pallette style of GUI infringed on Adobe’s “design”…

I seriously think, that if PS wasn’t taught in design schools, FW would be #1

I think it is that much more intuitive to use. Go get the trial version… you can make a website, without openining up another application… rollovers, JavaScript, Html, all written for you… and your file size is minimum…

What can I say…

FWMX is the ShiZnIt…


[color=red]i’m beleiving in something …[/color]
when you are a professional in something like PS you can deal with others stuff which has the same concept :sigh:
i mean if you are good in coral draw you can learn freehand easy (i know there are a lot of differents in the options and effects but the concept is one … vector desgin). i deal with new programe with this thoughts and i can get it in few weeks :slight_smile:

i hope you got me C:-)

I agree, it is easy, once you get the feel for one proggy, the rest seem similar…


i heard a lot of good things about MM and i used it for a while but :frowning: beacuse my mainly work in print i returned to use Ps.
but i recommend MM for anyone who is in the web field :slight_smile:

good enough enough for me, I’ll check it out this weekend. Thanks for the input guys. =)

this may sound dumb…but whats the difference between vector and raster? i’ve heard of vector before and sort of know what it is but i’m not quite sure…

so what are they…?! :slight_smile:

vector is points on a grid, where the computer maps out the lines mathmathically, so scaling up will keep the sharpness of the edges.

raster is pixel by pixel (photograph).


isn’t pixel by pixel bitmap or something?

yes, a bitmap is a raster based graphic format. In other words, raster images are sometimes called bitmaps.


ah i seeeee :nerd: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :rambo: =)

Great thread… esp since it seems that 105314 has basically only been looking for a way to pirate a 3D proggie like 3DsMax or the like in both of his two posts!:stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding the talk… I have always been a PS nut… had it sinse ver 5… but recently (after getting MX studio) I have been getting into FW, it seems like it is really cool… and nice for web stuff… although I find it hard to use anything other than PS7 - esp since they added the websafe color palette (including hexidecimal color coding), save for web window, along with many other web designer friendly additions… I love photoshop - I guess I am just a super fan :stuck_out_tongue:


yea I did notice 105314 was asking for a cdKey for 3dsmax, my suggestion for that is that if he/she wants to use cracked/illegal software, they should go elsewhere because frankly, they are not welcome here.

Bitter I am, but who gives.


Photoshop rocks. I have used it since version 6.0. I recently downloaded the Fireworks MX trial, I don’t care for it too much, but I think I just have to get adjusted to it :-\ I have used Illustrator 9.0, and I love that program. I enjoyed using it a lot, although I haven’t used it often and have only done basic stuff with it.