Importing Files


I have downloaded lot of .jpeg files. I am not able to open it in Photoshop. When I say File->Open->, it is not showing the .jpeg files, it is showing only .gif files. :hair:

How to open JPEG files in Photoshop?


UH! No reply?

That is the only way I know of. You can try right clicking on the file then go to open with and browse to your photoshop .exe. Or you can try importing file>>import. Post one of your files and I will try it with my photoshop.

sounds to me like your drop-down menu option for the type of file
to open isn’t set to “All File Types” or “All Image Types.” It’s
probably set specifically to .gif.

try that…:slight_smile:

If all else fails just download this prog from c|net called “AnyToGif” it converts any image extension into gif, and they dont lose any quality…atleast the images i’ve converted so far dont lose any quality :slight_smile:

you’re photoshop shouldnt really do that. maybe you accidently started the online program that goes with PS… cant find the name, thats used to make gifs and slices…
Otherwise yup try to right click (if a win user) a jpeg (rename it to jpg btw) and open with: photoshop

Image ready?
I’d imagine that, like Unflux said before, your file type is set to .gif instead of All Files.


Thank u guys!

When I right click the .jpeg file, it is opening in Browser only. It is not showing the “Open with” command.

Where should I set the “All File Types” in Photoshop?

I hv posted my file here.


You may have an older OS hold down shift when you right click that should show you open with.

When you go to open in photoshop, there’s a scrolldown option menu that says “files of type:”
Make sure that says “All file types” or something similar, depending on which version of Photoshop you have.

By the way, awesome pic!