Importing images +

Hi all,

Allright, when I look around on the web for ‘designer’ sites etc, you get the most bE-A-utiful pages, with moving stuff, off the hook bling bling buttons etc etc etc. BUT… its always FLASH.
So my theory…they use PS to do make the layout/design etc.
Then import it in flash somehow, and make it all ‘just’ work.

When I make a layout for some page, I use photoshop.
When I slice it up, and make the links/frames etc in Dreamweaver.

But now I`m working on a MGS (metal gear solid) resource site, and I want to use flash and moving objects etc.
My first id was to use a map of the earth, make it flash couple of times and then, well yea…juse fade in.out wotever.

So first thing I tried :

  1. Save the complete thing as one image, and import it in FLash (in flash set tje correct size ie 1024x768). SO I did that,s aved it etc… didnt came out very wel :x. Everything was wayy too small.
  2. I sliced everything, imported all those into flash…same :x.

So my question…how the hell do they get it so ‘right’ ?
Everything just fits etc.
Also, whats the best way to make a rollover function?
Make 2 images in PS, then make the button in Flash?

Thx already!