Has anyone ever imported their swf file into powerpoint as a background?
The situation is the bosses want to create something for a booth at an expo. They will have some monitors running in back and want to just put up some text, a some screen shots that loop. They’d also like it to be on a nice moving background.
I’ve made the background in CS3, nothing fancy but it looks nice. The problem is while I can individually create each line of text and have it animate in and out it takes forever to make that way. There are only two built in transitions in flash. Where as there are dozens in ppt so I thought it might be easier to import the background (swf) into ppt and do the text in there.
I’ve figured out how to import it and have put it in the master slide so that it runs through the whole thing. However now when I go to add text on the individual slides you can’t see anything. Wondering if anyone has actually done this and had it work.