Importing transparency in .gif

can it be done with MX? I can’t find an answer myself, and
nothing I’ve tried has worked…


I always use PNG file for the transparency, but GIF should work just fine…

Got a sample GIF file that you can upload???

Yes, if the gif is tranparent before you import, it should show up transparent.

Note: If it doesn’t look that way on the stage, try testing your movie and see how it looks then.

<a href=“” target=“blank”>transparency support in flash</a> :wink:

yeah i never knew that… if u make somethign have a TP background and u save it as jpg, and import to flash . it doenst work, u must save it as gif or something :confused:

Yup… GIF or PNG with proper transparency setting… :wink:

yup :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Yeah, jpgs don’t support transparency, you can’t even save a jpg with transparency.

ok it’s just the bounding box of the image on the stage that
gives it the appearance of not being transparent. whew!

thx. :slight_smile: