Including Unicode text in externally loaded html-text?

hi (again…)
I am including external html-text in my swf with this simple code:
[AS]myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function() {
newsBox.myText_txt.htmltext = this.mindContent;
myFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormat.align = “center”;
stop();[/AS]Unfortunately some of the special characters don’t display and the text after those characters doesn’t show either. It is possible to include these characters as unicode text through an .as file? I did this very small tryout:
and saved it as I then tried to include it, first in the myData.onLoad script ant then in the setTextFormat script with no success. This is really driving me crazy because the onnly thing I really want is to have sharp AND centered text in the project and including externally loaded html-text is the only thing that has worked so far…
Can anyone help me with this? Please!!!:hangover: