Wow, I borrowd a incubus cd from a friend and I so loved it that I went to the store next day and bought 2 other albums from them. They are so awesome. I like their style so much…
SCIENCE is my favorite… actually Morning view is a great album… a little sissy-fied, but good good music there.
‘incubus - nice to know you’ is a good song too
it’s probably the best one. I always wanna start jumping around when i listen to it
SCIENCE is the best. i prefer Tubring music more tho.
*Originally posted by senocular *
**SCIENCE is my favorite… actually Morning view is a great album… a little sissy-fied, but good good music there.**
excuse me? did you say sissy-fied? i love that album and just because (gasp) incubus can make songs without screaming in them doesn’t make them sissified.
but anyways, i like science the best too.
Pinx, you’re a dork.
eh, sorry I called you a dork… I don’t know what I was thinking… DORK!
anyways… Incubus totally sold out with Morning View… Incubus used to be cool…
incubus sold out so bad I can’t believe it. I’m so dissapointed in
that band. I used to go see them in clubs like the Bayou in DC,
Trocadero in Philly, and I even saw them play at the Vault in
Baltimore. All way before they were big. None of those shows
were ever sold out or even packed.
I’m not dissapointed in the fact they got so big, I’m glad of that.
But when you watch a band grow and get bigger from scratch, it
sort of sours it when they totally and completely change their
sounds from album A to album B.
And their unplugged appearance was absolutely dreadful. :sigh:
Anything they’ve done beyond SCIENCE, with the exception of a
few songs, are crappy, radio-friendly, sell-out songs IMO.
I disagree. Styles change. Ideas change. Life changes. These bands are influenced by their surroundings. Of course their lives are going to have some degree of change when they go from playing in clubs and scraping by to being rich and living a life of excess. You think about different things, you have different feelings towards different people. I don’t think they sold out, I just think that they have a different source of influence for their music. Its still Incubus. It still sounds good. Its just not “old Incubus” It doesn’t make me think any less of them, and I certainly don’t think they sold-out.
I don’t think that they made those songs because they thought, “Hey, you know what will be really awesome? If we ‘sissy-fy’ our next album just so it sounds good on the radio. That way we will get more money.” I doubt it. Music is forever evolving and changing. I think that Incubus just wanted to see if they could make a different sound that everyone liked. Or maybe they just didn’t feel the same way the did about their music. Selling-out means you do something, not because you believe in it, but because you want to make money. I do not believe that Incubus sold out in anyway…
I agree Jubba.
And finally a band I can agree with… I was blown away by Incubus (my g/f bought the CD)…
*Originally posted by Jubba *
I don’t think that they made those songs because they thought, “Hey, you know what will be really awesome? If we ‘sissy-fy’ our next album just so it sounds good on the radio. That way we will get more money.” I doubt it.
I can see your points on everything except this part. The sad part
is, this is exactly what they did. The record label always has their
hand in the way the 2nd album is written and produced so they
can get more $ out of it. Most bands go along with it, outlive their
record deals, and then finally resort back to their roots.
Take a look at 311. Perfect example. As big as they had gotten,
and were touring in stadiums, I just saw then in teh gym of Loyola
College a couple yrs ago. Tell me that’s not going back to your
roots? Even their sound was dumbed down for their major-label
releases. Once that was over with, here they are again making
the same classic music they did 10 yrs ago. (yes, 10 yrs ago, and
I’ve been a fan for almost that whole time)
All I’m really saying is, a lot of bands do change their sound to sell
more records. Period. A producer or record exec approaches the
band with this question, “Do you want to sell more records?” the
band replies, “well, yes we do.” and the Producer says, “then do
this, or it will never happen.” This is where bands are made and
It’s a fact and I know firsthand with several bands I have worked
with or been in. I’m very intimate with the music scene, and I do
have a lot of experience with it. It’s not coincidence that most of
my clients are music-based.
I’m not saying it’s every band or every record label, but in my
personal experience, I can say usually it is exactly this way.
Also, I wanted to point out, that when I say their newer music is
terrible, it’s really relative to what I think and know as their
sound. It’s just so much different, that if it was put under a
different band name, I would probably like it more. But the fact is
I know what they were, and I don’t like at all what they’ve
I see where you are coming from, and I respect your position. However, I have seen very few bands stay true to their sound from the beginning, for whatever the reason.
Sure, their sound changed, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they sold out. Did the Beatles sell out, Dylan, Paul Simon, to name a few.
You could be right also, only a few people actually knows the truth.
Morning View is my favourite Incubus Album.
I’ve heard a little of their stuff and it’s not bad. I’m not able to compare old tracks with new though.
The Offspring did something similar - their ‘Americana’ album (the one with ‘Pretty Fly For A White Guy’ on) was so totally different to anything they’d done before. A lot of people said they’d sold out. But I think it was worth doing.
If they churcn out the same thing every couple of years, people will say they never do anything new. If they do something new, they’re sell outs. Bah.
change is good.
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**incubus sold out so bad I can’t believe it. I’m so dissapointed in
that band. I used to go see them in clubs like the Bayou in DC,
Trocadero in Philly, and I even saw them play at the Vault in
Baltimore. All way before they were big. None of those shows
were ever sold out or even packed.
I’m not dissapointed in the fact they got so big, I’m glad of that.
But when you watch a band grow and get bigger from scratch, it
sort of sours it when they totally and completely change their
sounds from album A to album B.
And their unplugged appearance was absolutely dreadful. :sigh:
Anything they’ve done beyond SCIENCE, with the exception of a
few songs, are crappy, radio-friendly, sell-out songs IMO. **
I agree 100%
blalblalblablal blb;llbalblalb
Wow pinx - you make a fanstic point… good argument
thank you, i thought you’d like that. it’s my new language.
i love their “wish you were here” song from morning view. it’s got the melody and the lyrics that just perfectly flow together. it’s my favorite song.