I got Vista with the laptop I bought a few weeks ago but I just can’t get used to it. And it’s giving me all kinds of wierd errors and whatnot so I want to install XP on it.
The problem is this:
After I boot from the cd it goes through reading in all the hardware info, then reboots. After the reboot I should come to the screen where I choose partition to install the OS on, but I don’t. I get a message telling me that “I don’t have a harddrive, please make sure that you have plugged it in correctly”. I reboot, and the everything boots up as it should, but no XP.
Has anybody heard about this kind of problem?
I checked their website (Zepto, I know, probably a mistake) and they say that the computer is not XP-compatible, but that has to be just the drivers, I mean there can’t be another lock that stops me from installing XP right? That just sounds impossible!
EDIT: So I figured out it has something to do with the drivers for the harddrive. Doesn’t really help me though…