Setup windows xp on fujitsu laptop

hi guys,

i have a Fujitsu laptop running with windows Vista home premium.

i want to setup windows xp sp2.
when i boot from my winxp cd he tell me there is no hard drive.

what will i do to setup winxp!!!

many thanks

Odd enough this happens with sata drives. I actually never figured out how to fix it myself… you can try to install some drivers for a hard drive to the bios/update bios.

Other than that I don’t know. Does it detect the hard drive on start up diagnostics?

i will give it a try. Templarian

I have a Fujitsu as my work laptop and had this problem, just download the sata drivers and get a usb floppy drive so you can install them when installing windows by pressing I think its f3 or f5 to install 3rd party drivers.

Thats the only way to get it working you cant update bios nor use a usb flash drive it must be a floppy, sucks but it works.

i don’t have floppy.

but i get this trick
i can’t download this file Amilo Xi 2428 Windows XP Drivers located on this link or go direct to download it from here
if any one can download it please send it!

why can’t you download that?

If nothing else use a rapidshare premium link generator (google, alot, they’re there)
There servers download the file then give it to you.

Thats if your country blocks rapidshare or whatever

just download xp from net nd install it…

i am searching on google and i can’t find it.

realy i can’t download it and i don’t have a premium account.
if you need to help me please download it for me.


many thanks

[quote=KDS;2359005]i am searching on google and i can’t find it.

realy i can’t download it and i don’t have a premium account.
if you need to help me please download it for me.


many thanks[/quote]

Emailed you the files good luck

thanks grimdeath, downloading now

KDS I got bored and tried your way on the computer setting next to me but it wouldn’t read the disc. Drivers merged perfectly though. Maybe I’m burning it wrong. I just dragged the files to a disc and hit burn.