I hope we can get some feedback on the site we’ve just launched so that we can make some improvements before trying to get the word out. It’s our first attempt at a flash based interface.
dude thats cool
I notice that white line, you might want to make them smoother… and if you move your cursor over one of those menus, and you move it down a bit, the expandable menu disappears and then backd again…
other than that… looks good
GREAT site man … i mean GREAT site…
sites like this makes me wanna keep learning tll i get there !!!
i love everything there , smooth nice and impresive effects …!!!
I am with Unflux on this one. I think its the first site for a LONG time that I have looked at it and went… WOW. Looks cool and I will be spending my hours trying to replicate some of your effects to work out how you did it.
Nice work, nice site, nice scheme.
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