Basically after my main movie has preloaded, I then load in an external movie which talks to ASP.
Currently this means having to wait for the preloader, and then waiting again for the external movie to be loaded once the main movie has loaded.
What I want to do, is tell flash to load the external movie whilst the main movie is preloading. So that once the main movie is loaded so is the external movie.
yeah I’m with you.
I’m not sure about this, but if you’ve tried it in the past to do this, you may have run into problems because the holder clip is not loaded before your loadMovie command executes.
Make sure that the first thing that loads in the main movie is the holder for the external swf. If it’s a movie clip, place it in the top layer, ABOVE the layer that contains your preloader. Then in the first line of the preloader use the loadMovie command to start loading the external movie (or even before the preloader if you can)
the default setting, and the one I’m assuming is being used in the above example, is “load from top down” which is located in the publish settings under the Flash tab. If you have it set to load “bottem up” then just reverse what I said above.
This would be my first guess. There may be other ways of doing this as well. If you want the preloader to add in the data from your external movie to the main movie before displaying that info to the user, you may have to play around a little. let me know if it’s important that they be included together.