trying to build a movie which has an intro animation (small one) using a tweening-playground, build a preloader into an mc that innitializes when the intro is done buuuuut it goes kinda weird, i uploaded the mc so if you could take a look at it and tell me what’s up with it, i’d appreciate it alot
you use mx 2k4?
eivr that or ur files corrupt…
doesnt it work if u just save the rest of ur movie (or presentation or watever) as another mc and then just load it into the main movie once the intro is done?
or is that wat uv tried to do an its gon weird?
or hav i just gon cuckoo agen?
changed the fla type to mx, check it out now and i’d rather have it in one file cause the original intend is when the green backgroudn slides out to the left, the preloader should be there
incase people are wondering what the as dir is, that’s where the external actionscript is stored
i think its the externalk action script which is causing the probs… ill hav a go at jerryrigging a fix but no promises lol
actually i don’t think the external script influences the preloader, just a script that regulates the scripted tweens o_O
i cant even find wer thers a reference to it atm!! arg this is a mess lol (mindu ive made stuff which comes out worse tha#n this i gotta say lol)
ok waddya want to happen - describe in detail an ill remove all actionscript an start from scratch… see if that works…
lol in the library is a code innit MC the export on the first frame and includes all the files in the as dir
any how i want the animation to play and when the green bg slides to the left the preloader should be there and load in the rest of the movie
so u just want the green bg to slider in and then the preloader to appear.
and the rectangle called “lines” is just ther coz u got bored?
the green bg slides in, then the lines, then the star rotates in, in the mean while in the very background the preloader appears and is revealed when the green rectangle slides out of the pictures to the left, the green bar and star stay there as part of the “gui” it’s all very barebones right now
this watu want?
(sorry bout cutting a hole in your background lol)
ok its not watu want then lol hang on a sec
well actually i got it working like this what i tried to do is have the preloader kick in after the animation was done :S that’s why i gave the 1st frame on the preloader a stop(); and add the _root.preloader.gotoAndPlay(5); in the main time line to start the preloader when the animation was done, when i test the preloader using the “simulate download” in flash it does nothing and waits till the thing is loaded then after the animation the preloader shows up but is only half the size and does nothing
o yer or u culd do that… canu see wat i was tryin 2 do tho?
i mean u had bugger loads of code in there for sumit as simple as timeline directions… :S
actually those where just definitions for the tweening code, i don’t wanna bother by cluttering the timeline with tweens (mc’s you say ? meh…) i don’t get why the preloader doesn’t work o_O
preloader doesnt work when its offline. only option to test a preloader is to stick it on the web and view it there…
dont ask…
and rather than clutter the timeline of movieclips who only had 1 frame each anyway (and wer already movieclips) u decided to clutter up your actions window? ok then… watever works for you maistro… :S lol
u got it sorted then…?
well apperantly it worked all along and the simulate download thingy was just messing up the preloader… i mean what’s the use of the **** thing then !?
and touche about the mc’s and was the first time using the tweeing playground so i was rather experimenting
thanks for your assisstance anyway