Introducing myself...:)

not ‘like god.’
not ‘sort of godish.’
not ‘god-meh’


you can look god up in the phone book. there’ll be a picture of senocular.




thnx, i’ll post some stuff about flash that i need help with tomorrow, but meanwhile…need to talk to my gf tongiht…l8a…talk to u tomorrow

yeah, you run away. That’s right.

Hah, hey everybody, he knew I was gonna kick his butt so he ran away.

hides under a turtle.

nope, still here for another 3 min, gf in the shower for a while

damnit! I threatened too early! runs away humming mission impossible theme and carrying turtle shell over head

yea…keep doin that

max, if you want to learn Flash…stay out of random!!! Random is the black hole which sucks all in and allows none to leave…its strangely addictive, alas, heed my warning or you may very well become a Kirupaholic, forever to wander the forums in search of the Ruling Ring

i’ve noticed that, but i will start a topic in flash mx tomorrow…

*Originally posted by Maxtr0sity *
**i havta admit…this is an odd forum…ahmed wanted me to join for flash help…anyone know flash?:trout: **

There are some insane flashers on this board.

Unless you want to be contaminated by strange and unruly folk like Phil, Aislin, Rev, Mak, myself and many others you might want to skip the random section. Its basically political rants, grinning pigs, canada flexing its muscles, spam (the meat and useless posts) and people complaining of hangovers.

The ringleader of this place has a huge unibrow, and loves it to be made fun of…

by the way welcome man…

alrit…u sound more normal…thnx

Yeah… Welcome man… The name is Marz…


I do FLash 5 and MX along with Actionscript, PHP, ASP and plenty of other dirty tricks here and there… I’m semi-ok with them I guess :wink:

Just go post on Flash MX tomorrow if you’re having problems… be sure to be uprigt and out with the problem and it’ll probably get answered 10 times before the dn of the day :slight_smile:

btw… Aislin… Take the dosage of crack down about 20 makrs man… Crazy!

makrs! OMG! I love that! MAKKERS!

darts around humming mission impossible theme

Now you die!

Imbeciles Building Machines - IBM

Man, you guys are like, hyper or something. I think they must be putting too many E numbers in food again. :wink:

Anyway, hi, and welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

dont you have anything to say, phil? :stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

*Originally posted by playamarz *

btw… Aislin… Take the dosage of crack down about 20 makrs man… Crazy!

i don’t get it… :eye:

Random 101
anyways, do you have problem staying alert? Studies have shown that during a long test or exam, those students who shake or wiggle feet and legs perform better than those who sit still!!! The movement allows quicker circulation and better blood Flow

yea wow, i’ll b postin in flash, is there another php topic? because i was thinkin of doin some php stuff with my site

PHP can be discussed under Server-Side/Scripting from

or click the link

[SIZE=1]btw you spelled visit wrong in your sig… :slight_smile: just a heads up[/SIZE]

sweet thanks a lot, just goes to show i’m a frikin newbie…:trout:

np, i am newbie too…we all were newbies at one time! some remain newbies(like me) and some grow…

i must grow soon :geek:
