Invisible button = create a shape and convert it to a button. On the properties panel set the alpha to 0 (look for the dropdown that says “color, tint, alpha,” etc.). Or create a shape and convert it to a graphic, set the alpha to 0 and then convert the graphic to a button symbol. Or create a shape that is the same color as your background, etc. Lots of ways to do it.
Link = look up getURL in your actionscript reference guide. Make sure you include all parts of the web address. E.g. probably won’t work but will.
You don’t even need to go to that much bother!! There’s no need to muck about with alpha channels and transparency or anything. Here’s the official (and much simpler) way…
Create a shape with the pen tool around the area you want to be clickable and fill it in with any colour (I always use red for all my invisible buttons).
Next, select the shape and hit F8 to convert it to a symbol. Give it a name and choose the “Button” selection. Hit OK.
Now double click on the button and drag the filled in frame you see in the button timeline all the way to the right (underneath the “Hit” state).
Go back to your movie and you’ll see the shape that’s now semi-transparent and blue. It will, of course, be completely visible when you run the movie. Hey presto!! An invisible button that you can apply any actions to.
Lol. Well it is, if you think about it. Like someone said, there’s loads of ways to do it but it’s official because Macromedia must’ve chosen it because Flash actually recognizes this as the way to do it because it formats the invisible with the transparent blue and everything.
Oh and I don’t suppose anyone could help me with my XML problem in the post below?? I can’t find an “official” way of dealing with it!!!