Iph phil controlled kirupa

Well, see, the thing is I have no life… so it led me to spend like 2 hours making this… and tryin to make it look right… ok so it was more like an hour and half or so… or like an hour… ok i have no idea how long it took me cuz i can’t read clocks… but here is what it would look like if phil controlled kirupaforum.com

i was gonna do the whole screen cap… but i have a huge head ache now… its really hard makin up letters for fonts you have never seen and stuff… ok its really easy… but owww… weeeeee!

lol… so your saying i did a good job then? :love:
thats what i did tonight instead of my homework…
oh well… it was phun and conphusing and stuphph.

LOL that’s so true though…hahahah

So what do you think Phil, another fine addition to our propaganda page? :stuck_out_tongue:

ohhh ohhh… that would be so cool if that went on the propaganda page… i would be all like “this is so cool!”
lol… yeah… but thats a really crappy quality pic… so kirupa, if you want a good one (wink, wink) you should tell me.

oh… phine… ill do homework from now on… grrrr:bad:

these are all lies phrom the pit oph hell.

are you saying i dont get be in the propaganda thing? :-\ :*(

pretty funny :stuck_out_tongue:

i mean come on… ya gotta at least try to be phil…
what phun is this place without phil?

ohhh kirrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupa
where aaaaaaaaaare you?

lol some one is bored=)

i finally do something constructive… and :ub: isnt here

it didnt seem like he was on here to much tonight. he probally has home work or something important.=)

wow talk about good timeing. hes online=)

and phil swoops in with werds of wisdom

did you guys see that?
kirupa was browsing this forum… and :sniffle:… nothing happened… tear:( :*(
im good with this new fangled patience stuff

hey phil do you write like you type wiht ph for f? or is this just a phorum thing. Dammit it is catchy

im guessin i didnt make the propoganda thing then… cuz no one has said anything:*(

lol… thats pretty cool
i dont like this whole mystery thing

lol! I Had to look 4 times before I found the difference! :ninja:
lmao! :stuck_out_tongue:

see… since so many people like this… it definately deserves to go into the propoganda page… at least i think so

since i see that kirupa is browsing, take a look at this thread please?