With help from Walker, I found out what happened:\r\r6/5/02 3:47:40 pm kirupa from IP: 66.168.. banned kirupa\r6/5/02 3:48:01 pm kirupa from IP: 66.168.. unbanned kirupa\r** 6/5/02 4:08:27 pm philjayhan from IP: 12.84.. delete 514.topic in kirupafrm21**\r\rTell me Phil, what is this that one sees? And it was done on 6/5/02. About 1 day before you realized you had mod powers, and a few minutes before you posted that your thread mysteriously disappeared. You better hire Johnny Cochran himself Phil…there is no way you are getting out of this one (unless the glove doesn’t fit perfectly; then everyone knows you are automatically innocent)\r\rJUSTICE HAS BEEN SERV-ED!\r\r\rCheers,\rJudge Jerypa Scheindlin =)
Is there a JOKER in the house\rBIG roflmao!! What’s going on here :rollin:
Our friendly convict Phil has been framing everyone else for deleting a post which he clearly deleted I am just the prosecution, presenting the court with the evidence! It is time for Phil to put up a defense…will be interesting to watch; will make the lawyers on “The Practice” seem like caring, honest individualz =)\r\rCheers,\rKirupa =)
The WORLD awaits \r\r
\r\rGod can’t you tell I’m enjoying this, sorry PJ…
All-\r\r This is obviously an attempt by Kirupa to tell the truth of the matter which I cannot allow. My suspicion is still that Kirupa must have done it, and it really isn’t phair at all that he is judge and prosecutor, just isn’t phair. You can all see that I am obviously being railroaded by a hangmans judge. It might even have been Kirupa and Pom and Davey all ganging up on me, using a time machine to produce what otherwise would be taken as truthful logs. But we know that you cannot trust people with time machines, as they often do stuph just like this, and never try to fight a land war in Asia. I strongly suspect something to be grossly amiss here besides my own honesty. Johnny Cochran is still out playing golpf and hasn’t returned my calls. But to paraphrase him; If the crime being deletion a time machines the reason. You see, like OJ, this is the only thing that seems to make sense, the only thing that ‘fits’ and you must all aquits. Why would I delete my own post? Isn’t that silly? Who would do that? I mean it is my own words, golden to my ears. A post of Phils replaces the pills. A stich in time saves mine. I strongly think that it is the frenchman, with the time machine, in Paris. And obviously Davey helped out, and it is now obvious with Kirupa being both judge and prosecutor that this unholy trio is responsible. I mean, look at the evidence; It was my own post. Who would delete their own post? Wouldn’t I remember doing that? Of course I would. Heck I think even Eyezberg could be involved at this time. Cause hes phrench. But with all the evidence posted above you must aquit my client, myselph, phil jayhan. The defense rests; Please mr and mrs jury please phind philbert not guilty as it is quite obvious with the overwhelming evidences presented that he couldn’t have, and wouldn’t have deleted his own post. And then to blame another for this techno crime. It’s beyond all reasonings of sane people. Kirupa is obviously a madman bent on phraming philbert and either has the time machine of the phrenchman or is in collusion with him. And Davey was obviously involved too. I mean look at his denial about the whole aphair, a case of ‘thou protesteth too much’ can easily be seen and made. With that I rest my case and ask the jury to diregard any of the ‘facts’ as Kirupa has laid them out. Computers might not lie, but Time Machines do! And lastly, just look at the Truth Fairy below, would someone who has ever lied even be able to use something so cuddly and cute? Would they? Could they? NO. Thank you for your consideration, we will await the verdict with conphidence.\r\rWith all sincerity, truth, love and integrity-\rPhillip D. Jayhan XVI\r
Just when I thought it was looking like the end of the road for ya phil you come up with such concrete like evidence :lol: \r\rwhat a fight back, this’ll sway the jury I’m certain of it…
Phil, Phil, Phil!\rThat’s a very nice story you have just told everyone I never knew the truth could be stretched to such inverted extremes, but you have, yet again, proven me wrong! Ok, here is the ACTUAL, FACTUAL EVIDENCE:\r\r1.) ** 6/5/02 4:08:27 pm philjayhan from IP:* delete 514.topic in kirupafrm21**\r\rNotice that it was 4:08 PM when he deleted his thread. Immediately, Phil (possible with the aid of an accomplice I shall refer to as Fidel Castrol) went on to the following post to wreak havoc on the good people of Flashdom: pub40.ezboard.com/fkirupa…=1&stop=20\r\rLet’s all bring our heads closer to the monitor and observe the timing of his post where he claims: \r\r
"So I write a post, with all the good intentions that my darkened heart of sin could muster, and what do I find? THAT MY POST ASKING THAT HIS POST BE DELETED WAS DELETED!! WASSUP WITH THAT? Talk about facisim. Hmmmmm. This is patently unphair— "
\r\r** The timing of his post is: (6/5/02 4:15:09 pm)**\r\rBecause he is on a 56k connection, and because Lobstar’s footer is huge (j/k simon, your footer is compact), the phorums were probably down, and the planets were not aligned properly, it took him 7 minutes to go from Point A (deleting the thread) to Point C (claiming it was someone else). Point B is somehow missing…Phil covered up his paws well that time.\r\rNotice in the remainder of the posts how Phil is so perturbed by his own pre-meditated act of self-deletion. Also, we should take careful note, that Phil is pointing the blame on everyone else…and quite vocally in fact. Very Clintonesque finger-pointing if I can say so myself.\r\rAnd of course, the philosophies of Linda Tripp have had an adverse impact on my spying abilities. I post, the ICQ conversation Phil had with me during the time the posts were deleted (sorry Phil, THEY made me…<cough>):\r\rKirupa: yeah, I made you mod a long time ago, yet I forgot to assign you forums.\r<\rstatic\r>\rPhilman: har har har! Phrenchy will be so jealous.\r\r[ notice his racist attitude toward the French and only the French ]\rKirupa: hehe\rPhilman: can I delete posts as well?\rKirupa: if you think you need to…I give my moderators great flexibility in what they can and cannot do.\rPhilman: hey, I’m going to delete one of my posts and blame Davey for it. Is that OK?\rKirupa: um…sure, just don’t take it too far\rPhilman: it’ll be for phun, don’t tell anyone\rKirupa: don’t worry, I wont’ tell [or copy this conversation to be used against you in a court of lies and accusations]\r\rThe above conversation is all that is needed to show you Phil’s treacherous nature. I guess the National Geographic Explorer episode was right. “Phils are considered extremely endangered and treacherous…esp. the Jayhan varieties” [Boyd Matson].\r\rCheers,\rKirupa
Nothing like a war of the wits to calm a thundering Friday. I want to be on the jury but I know too much about this thread (if it is the dolphin one).\r\r\rt2d\r\rP.S.\r\r>>If the crime being deletion a time machines the reason.\r\rROFL!
Kinda spooky that t2d, I just looked at your profile and saw that we both joined the board on the same day
Ladies & Germs of the Jury-\rBelow, I will show the conversation as my ICQ database has recorded it; Notice the subtle yet pervasive differences; \r\r\r[c] The Backstory (withXfiles.midi playing in B/G)[/c]\r\r6:34 PM Kirupa: I made you a mod the same time I made Pom a mod\r6:34 PM Phil: How do I use my special powers, this will be a good first thing to do\r6:34 PM Phil: Did you send me an e-mail with the passwerd, I never even knew\r6:35 PM Phil: frenchy will be jealous nar nar\r6:36 PM Kirupa: there is no need for you to use a password; you simply log-in as yourself\r6:36 PM Kirupa: let me see what may have gone wrong…\r6:36 PM Phil: Something I might be able to have Q’s with is this; But if you can help me set up a sub domain, I can ease all of Jubba woes as I have space and bandwidth to burn for a long time\r6:36 PM Kirupa: I have no idea how to setup a sub-domain name \r6:36 PM Phil: I just offered him this and would like to set it up so he is unhindered\r6:37 PM Kirupa: darn\r6:37 PM Kirupa: \r6:37 PM Phil: then I’ll learn how to set up sub domains and share it with you, O master of the South, O’ King Kirupa!\r6:37 PM Kirupa: haha\r6:37 PM Kirupa: btw, try now and see if you can edit other people’s posts\r6:37 PM Phil: sec\r6:38 PM Kirupa: cursed Ezboard gave you moderator status but decided to not give you any forums to look over (my fault partially…just partially haha)\r6:38 PM Phil: hmmmm\r6:38 PM Kirupa: im signing out now and siging back in to refresh my status\rsec\r** 6:38 PM Phil: cant figure out how, can you show me?\r6:40 PM Kirupa: oh crap…I banned myself wondering what would happen\r6:40 PM Kirupa: uho\r6:40 PM Kirupa: I quickly unbanned myself\r 6:48 PM Kirupa: im gunna delete that message and let dave wonder what happened, might be funny, might be fun to blame him too for it and see his reaction. You’ll figure all this out phil, its not that hard. Watch the master. (the Dolphin post)\r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\rNotice who said they were going to delete the post and notice who couldn’t phigure it out. Also, notice the great love wherewtih Philbert loves the little children. Also, notice below phil willing to take blame for his own initiation, not the sign of someone who would delete his own post, then lie.\r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r 6:49 PM Phil: you might want to tell him you deleted them just in case he gets upset at another mod or, and I’ll take the blame in case Time gets mad since I was the one asked we remove it for * the sake of the poor innocent children…me Doh!\r6:49 PM Phil: an idea-- is to make yourself a second identity with admin powers, and e-mail yourself all the info and just never use that identity unless times like this(future)\r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\rNotice at this point Kirupas telling staement which basically sums all of this up.\r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r 6:49 PM Kirupa: yeah Phil, you are right (righteous in all your doings) addendum by Phil in brackets\r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r6:50 PM Kirupa: ok, I will tell Dave I did that by e-mail or something. hehe\r6:50 PM Kirupa: I did not think I would be that stupid into banning myself hehe\r6:50 PM Phil: Ya, I wasn’t sure about giving Rigel Dominar XVI Admin status but thus far he hasn’t dissapointed me. As foreigners never do. I love all people everywhere regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin lol\r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r Notice Phil very obvious statement of love for others, especially foreigners above. This failed to make Kirups post, can anyone even bring to mind a single thought or word I have spoken derogatorily against the phrench? EVER? Yet he accuses me of racisim. Hmmmmm* \r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r6:52 PM Kirupa: Isn’t that you?\r6:52 PM Phil: ya, lol\r6:52 PM Phil: I always try to phind the phugliest pictures and represent myself with them, that way when people finally see me they think I look like a prince.\r6:53 PM Kirupa: hehehehe\r6:55 PM Kirupa: that post in the last 5 minutes just took a huge life on of its own. I will excercise my exclusive admin powers by deleting your asking that THAT post be deleted then we will ask Dave why he deleted it? this should be funny to watch tehe\r------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r** Now see here Kirupa saying he was going to delete the post, along with what phil said above about not knowing how to do that function yet**\r------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r6:55 PM Phil: haha, if you so wish, you are King Kirupa after all! Doh!\r6:56 PM Kirupa: sec, deleting your post\r------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r** Again notice Phil is concerned about Davey not wasting time chasing a trojan horse. This too was ommitted from King Kirupas post (see below)\r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r 7:03 PM Phil: lets not tell him for a while unless he does the good charachter Davey thing and starts to waste time trying to figure out what happened\r7:04 PM Kirupa: don’t worry, I won’t **\r\rSo, as in my earleir post, I will say it again, if the crime being deletion, a time machines the reason. And notice how Kirupa too, is protesting too much. Obviously to cover his buttola. Easier to blame philbert, who will believe him? Hmmmm
\r\rI think this covers all, the defense rests; Thanks you ladies and germs of the jury; I am sure you will do the right thing and aquit philbert of this dastardly deed. And just take one more look at that fairy, does that look like something someone who has done such a deed like this could, would display under his name? Why, its the truth fairy. Thank you.\r\rphil jayhan\rthe semi-righteous one who inhabits temporality\r
I have never seen such a massive rewriting of important, vital historical documents (aka our ICQ conversation) till Nixon graced the lawns of the White House. Kissinger would be proud of ya Phil!\r\rIt is blatantly obvious that Phil fabricated my statements. First of all, no one would, in their right mind (doh! it’s Phil) would have an entire ICQ conversation recorded. I briefly included the EVIDENCE to support my point. Phil, knowing he had no way of winning, decided to “Plan B” and fabricate an entire day’s conversation.\r\rNote, that he can still not account for his whereabouts in those 8 minutes between his deletion of the thread and posting of a new message. Also, there are several fundamental flaws in his failed attempt to indict me:\r\r1.) I never refer to member’s first names…only by their nicknames. Phil has fabricated that I said “dave”. I would never have done that. The grammatical structure of Phil’s falsified conversations of me is bad. Phil, you should do a better job impersonating someone else’s writing style. Also notice Phil’s numerous misspellings in my post that are not done intentionally aka charachter, etc.\r\r2.) Can anyone smell the horrid sidesteps of hypocrisy in good Phil’s posts? He says that he cares about “the poor innocent children”. Yet, ladies and gentleman and Phil, who was it that started the “Secksually Frustrated Dolphin” post?\r\r3.) Also, at 6:38, Phil “claimz” to have no idea how to use his mod powers. Yet at 4:08 PM EZboard logged a sneaky Phil Jayhan deleting a thread that was vital to the national security of these boards. A twisting of the truth? NO! I see a flat out lie by a guilty man trying to find a way to escape the persecution he shall face at the hands of the Shaolin Monks who populate these boards.\r\r4.) Phil is a master con artist. Isn’t it amazing how in almost all of his 10 line posts, Phil cannot control himself from making a racist comment against the Phrench. Yet, in his eternally long, fabricated conversation, he suddenly seems to have transformed himself into this good humanoid interested in the welfare of others…while going by the name Rigel Dominar XVI. Phil Jayhan is an elitist who is keen on creating the Socialist Commonwealth by teaming up with former Labor Secretary Robert Reich.\r\rUnlike Phil, I don’t alienate the jury by calling them ladies and germs (another example of Phil’s twisted, debasing viewpoint on mankind). What you are seeing in Phil’s posts is an attempt by one who knows his end draws near. As in the word’s of the great philosophers and poets Linkin Park: “In the end (Phil) it doesn’t even matter”. Ladies and Gentleman, don’t let the lies of this madman f00l you! \r\rCheers!\rKirupa\r
Kirupa,\r Phil was speaking with me during those missing 8 minutes, FYI. He’s Frelling innocent, I’m sure of it as he doesn’t have enough brains in his pinky finger to even think of such a scheme. I’m the brains of the outfit regardless of what phil might claim. I mean, look at his picture, this should tell you, he spends more time playing with that frelling Buzz Lightyear than anything else, and we are all sick of telling him his little laser is only a toy and doesn’t work. When those two get together, nothing gets done! Phil plays with his toy pistol and Buzz plays with his laser. Both inoperable. We would have imprisoned them both on Hyneria for failure to use brains, as this was a crime there. It obviously cannot be Phil.\r\rWith all Hynerian honesty-\rRigel Dominar XVI
Kirupa-\rAnd another few things that Phil is obviously not capable of seeing himself is this;\r\rThe answer itself is in YOUR twisted words my little earth friend; You claimed that this post was deleted, in your own words, 1 day BEFORE he had been given mod powers, see the following qoute from your first post;\r\r\rQuote:\r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r Tell me Phil, what is this that one sees? And it was done on 6/5/02. About 1 day before you realized you had mod powers. Kirupa’s own words & admission\r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\r\r\rAnd on onto another finer point, the very crime you are accusing Phil of was no crime at all as the post you reffered to as the ‘molested’ post is still there; See the following;\r\r\rQuote:\r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r Notice that it was 4:08 PM when he deleted his thread. Immediately, Phil (possible with the aid of an accomplice I shall refer to as Fidel Castrol) went on to the following post to wreak havoc on the good people of Flashdom: pub40.ezboard.com/fkirupa…=1&stop=20\rAgain, a quote of Kirupa, and click on the link above in his own post and see the thread, quite unmolested\r--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\r\rSo now what do you have to say in your own defense earthboy? \r\rThe Brainiac-\rRigel Dominar XVI
AH! We meet again Rigel Dominar. You are a true testament to your name, and likewise, inanely blinded by the light of truth and justice. I was indeed correct in stating that it was 1 day before you realized you had Mad m0D powerz!\r\rThat would mean, a.) that I made a mistake (hahahaha) or b.) that you lied. Point B is more likely the reazon.\r\rWhy you say? You blatantly lied to the whole of the forum village people by claiming you had no idea of any mod powers. Yet, ** 1 day before** you went on to exercise your mOd powers and delete your own thread. Your ripe old age is preventing your mind from cohesively tying together your words and putting up a defense \r\rSo, STOP TWISTIZING MY WORDS!!!\r\rI did make a mistake in my post. I mentioned something about giving you a lie detector…but sadly, I think it is completely unnecessary. It has come to the attention of the entire Flashz community that a lie detector would prove detrimental to our case because twisting the truth seems to be second nature to you
You probably feel more comfortable twisting the truth than working hard and telling da tr00th! (reminds of a Simpson’s episode where homer is strapped to a lie detect0r)\r\rThe other quote, was used to merely highlight an example of a post. Kinda like trying to sway the jury by bringing a replica of my hamster which went missing last week (phil, I’ll accuse of that in my next case). So Rigel, Phil, Dominar, Ma0 or wh0ever you are, what do you have to say? :-P\r\rCheers!\rKirupa\r
Kirupa-\r Ok, ok, I did it. I, well, er, uh um, er, delted my own post [coughcough**]\rAnd, well, kind of blamed you, Dave and that righteous Phrenchman. I cannot say it was an accident, and I might as well get it all off my chest, I also kind of strrrrrretched your words just a tad and well, made it look like you said things that actually were said by me. There was no time machine, and I know this, I just made that up, really. And I really didn’t talk to Johnny Cochran. Don’t even know him. I just have this thing against beastiality, and thats why I deleted the post. In all honesty it was for the sake of the children. Rigel was kind enough to see a few bad arguments of yours to poke holes through and I’ll be darned if that little slug didn’t do just that. So, there it is; Im guilty, guilty, guilty. Guilty as sin. So there, I have done my duty to my fellow man, and fessed up to the truth before it was too late. And Rigel is sorry for calling you earthboy. He says he didn’t mean to insult you so badly. So, Im done now. I hope you will accept my humble and belated apology.\r\rpj\r\rBut one good thing came out of all this; The neato new gifs that came out of the wood werk like crazy. I got em all with the Net-Vac! Doh!\r
Haha Phil!\rSigh, too bad this thread had to end I’m sure once I get my Vbulletin board up by mid next week, there’ll be plenty more stuff to discuss. I’ll try to find some more cool little GIFs…I see a ton of them on other forums that I browse through, and I’ll get them and put them up on a site for everyone to download and enjoy!\r\rCheers,\rKirupa
PHILIP, my gifs seem to have done a runner. You truley are a fiend. It can only be you, and I’m thinking that Kirupa knows something about this one aswell???\r\rWell that’s what I was gonna post, until I saw that the smiley website had been deleted or something! www.fadzter.com/\rPhils powers are growing stronger by the minute. His new found modhood is causing mayhem around the globe.\r\rWhat have you gone and done Kir
With each new gif I consume my power exceed those before them. They make me stronger, smarter and better looking. Able to slice and dice federal agents with a single blow, freeze them in place or turn them to bronze. But the problem is that I need more, more, more…The voracious appetite only grows. It is never satisfied. \r\rGee Golly Giffers-\rphilman\r\rYour time is running out Lobstars, i have a large pot of boiling water\rand Im awfully hungry. Get out your own Net-Vac and do that payback thangy
Fil ! You hate Phrench people, you’re obviously guilty !!! (who could possibly hate French after what they showed us at the World Cup ??)\r\rpom 0] , * French above all*