Hey all
I am looking for opinions and advice on your thoughts and experiences on platforms for iPhone, and smartphone
alt sites to compliment and give options to a flash site.
I am a photographer/filmmaker and am quite happy with my flash site
but I would like to have my info and photos (+video if possible) available to the millions of iphone and smartphone users
in your experience / opinion what is the best way to go about this.
I am thinking a html greeting page that will give the options for
Mobile or Flash
and have the flash site load as is
and with the mobile what platform should I use?
I want something that can load image slideshows, be easily updatable with content
and and basically be a scaled down version of my flash site.
I have been thinking maybe a Beefy blog “site”
or is that a bad idea. (if so please advise to what you think would be a good idea)
if you think that is a good idea are there any blogging platforms that sorta cater to this thing?
any advice is welcome