well… I think you guys need to realize this.
You not only need to get informed as much as you can on the war before you make a decision, but you also need to think of a war subjectively, and abstractly
Subjectively: yeah, take a look at the horror of war. People are going to die, but I dont feel bad for those… I feel bad for those that are going to come back maimed, disfigured, psychologically changed. And that’s a big reason for me to say no to war.
Abstractly: The definition of abstraction is to take several ideas and lump them into one. You need to think not only of casualties, but also about the benefits of it, the motivations behind it, the way it will affect the world, the precedence it sets, whether it will benefit the iraqis… and on an on an on…
If you start thinking of things subjectively, you get into trouble. You could go back to world war II and take a look at the American soldiers who came back, and say that it was bad to send them…
When you get higher and higher into power, you HAVE to decrease the way you think subjectively. What do I mean? You HAVE to think less and less about individuals and start thinking for the benefit of the group. You get into situations in which 3 lives have to be sacrificed so that 100 may be saved, and you have to say yes to that…
and as you think about a war, people distance themselves from thinking about individual casualties… and it’s OK that they do that… why? because the shock in itself can prevent someone from making a good decision, or miss other very important points…
with that said, I’ve thougth about the casualties, and then I thought… .well, maybe it has to be done. But then I thought of the war as a whole, and that wasn’t good enough to convice me to go to war. But I didnt make my decision JUST because of some picture…