Irak - gulf war photos

dont get me wrong mlk… I think that the post was very good. There is no denying that these images are a result of war, and the forgone conclusion to any future wars.

I just don’t want to get into a fight with another poster on this subject… it’s not you. :slight_smile:

i’m gonna have to agree with Aislin’s view: curiosity killed the cat

<img src=“”>

although such images and video footage alike educate and make us aware of what’s going on, it’s best to avoid actively seeking them - it’s bad for the heart :*(

I’ve never quite gotten that. It’s not bad for the heart… it makes your heart FEEL. That’s supposed to be a good thing, even if sometimes those feelings hurt… it’s what makes us human… what makes us alive. It’s when we forget that this is the result of our hatred of others that we become less than human.

I have the Daniel Pearl Film on my computer,since it was released,and I have yet to see it,as it will burn a memory,in my mind,and Iam not ready for that,just yet.

I also have images of Americans falling and jumping off the twin towers,and I still get tears.Soon I will post all on my website,cause the site is a news,educational,informational site.

Its nice to have fluffy lite stuff ,no brainer,lets laugh,lift her tee shirt and see her boobs,stuff,but I as the webmaster and domain owner,see a need to inform about the war etc.

Right now I am making connections over there to have troop members send me images and video of the good,bad and ugly of the war.

Just my 2 cents.


well… I think you guys need to realize this.
You not only need to get informed as much as you can on the war before you make a decision, but you also need to think of a war subjectively, and abstractly

Subjectively: yeah, take a look at the horror of war. People are going to die, but I dont feel bad for those… I feel bad for those that are going to come back maimed, disfigured, psychologically changed. And that’s a big reason for me to say no to war.

Abstractly: The definition of abstraction is to take several ideas and lump them into one. You need to think not only of casualties, but also about the benefits of it, the motivations behind it, the way it will affect the world, the precedence it sets, whether it will benefit the iraqis… and on an on an on…

If you start thinking of things subjectively, you get into trouble. You could go back to world war II and take a look at the American soldiers who came back, and say that it was bad to send them…

When you get higher and higher into power, you HAVE to decrease the way you think subjectively. What do I mean? You HAVE to think less and less about individuals and start thinking for the benefit of the group. You get into situations in which 3 lives have to be sacrificed so that 100 may be saved, and you have to say yes to that…

and as you think about a war, people distance themselves from thinking about individual casualties… and it’s OK that they do that… why? because the shock in itself can prevent someone from making a good decision, or miss other very important points…

with that said, I’ve thougth about the casualties, and then I thought… .well, maybe it has to be done. But then I thought of the war as a whole, and that wasn’t good enough to convice me to go to war. But I didnt make my decision JUST because of some picture…

hey look
i subscribe to time and all they show is pictures of pretty weapons, pretty jets, cool GIs doing training and well infographed maps of irak on how the us should strike.
I made this link cause this is just truth, now i agree with you that sometimes wars are just necessary, i’m glad that the US liberated France during the WWII but i wont be fooled by people telling me war in irak is necessary right now.
I doesnt take hundreds of thousand men and bombs to kill one dictator. Since the US knows how to put them in power they should be able to take them out, dont you agree ?

I’m simply suggesting that peeps should keep the viewing of disturbing images to a low. And I stand my ground, they ARE bad for the heart.

i feel that our hearts go through enough as it is, why would one want to FEEL any more dismay? kinda sounds sadistic. :-\

i agree with you david that we become less human when we forget, but do we really need to witness blood and guts over and over just to make sure we <i>never</i> forget?

A picture may be worth a thousand words but words alone are powerful enough to paint a pretty darn good picture. :+)

lavaboy… I agree that too much subjective site of a subject is a bad thing. It leads to all sorts of problems. The same can be said for too much objective viewing of a subject as well.

a mix of both is healthy, and human.

well, lets get into the difference between news and pictures…

News appeal to the rational side of a person, while pictures appeal to the emotional side…

but I’m not talking about emotional as we usually think of it. When I say emotional I mean to say that they change the way our bodies themselves act… If we see the blood of someone of our same species, we cringe immediately… it’s how we evolved… Person dead… there’s danger around… we cringe, we run… It’s an AUTOMATIC response… it’s the animal part of us.

But we can also use our brain to make decisions… the body reacts first, but then the rational part of our brain says: hold on… it’s just a picture… no danger (as an example). We need to make our decisions based on what the brain does AFTER our initial shock.

And you talk about seeing this point of view rather than what they show on Time (and I’m assuming you’re saying Time is not telling the whole truth, to which I agree. Time is like Fox News… very Republican) . But the fact of the matter is, we cannot take pictures to be building blocks to decisions. You need IDEAS. You cannot use the response these pictures make on your body to make a good decision. Yes… find out the truth… go ahead. But these pictures are NOT THE WHOLE TRUTH. Read Time, read Newsweek, read Le Monde, read the BBC site, check out the UN website, check out Iraqi newspapers, and check out what Al Jazeera has to say… and after you make your decision, you STILL have to be open to other ideas (like the fact that Bush knows something that we dont… however unlikely that is) Dont just check out pictures… you cannot possibly make a good stance based on that.

And david… I didnt say objectivity because I dont believe anyone in this whole world is impartial to the Iraq issue…

for example
France: Obvious Oil Interests
Russia: No US troops near them.
China: they need to make a decision of no on this, because North Korea is next…

… just to cite a few examples…

but I’m not talking about emotional as we usually think of it. When I say emotional I mean to say that they change the way our bodies themselves act… If we see the blood of someone of our same species, we cringe immediately… it’s how we evolved… Person dead… there’s danger around… we cringe, we run… It’s an AUTOMATIC response… it’s the animal part of us.

I’m with ya there. Though I tend to react the same no matter who I see… but I’m a weirdo. :slight_smile:

And you talk about seeing this point of view rather than what they show on Time (and I’m assuming you’re saying Time is not telling the whole truth, to which I agree. Time is like Fox News… very Republican) . But the fact of the matter is, we cannot take pictures to be building blocks to decisions. You need IDEAS. You cannot use the response these pictures make on your body to make a good decision. Yes… find out the truth… go ahead. But these pictures are NOT THE WHOLE TRUTH. Read Time, read Newsweek, read Le Monde, read the BBC site, check out the UN website, check out Iraqi newspapers, and check out what Al Jazeera has to say… and after you make your decision, you STILL have to be open to other ideas (like the fact that Bush knows something that we dont… however unlikely that is) Dont just check out pictures… you cannot possibly make a good stance based on that.

I think you’re making a lot of assumptions that, though are evident in some of the populous, are not necessarily evident in any of us. I agree with you, believe me, I agree with you. I’m a budhist. It’s all about making a rational decision based upon facts. I don’t think that I ever said… don’t read up on the subject.

And david… I didnt say objectivity because I dont believe anyone in this whole world is impartial to the Iraq issue…

ok… fair enough my friend… but the oposite of subjective is objective. We can never be fully objective but when you’re looking for facts you attempt to do so to the best degree possible.

All I’m saying is that seeing images which produce a heart felt response is not a bad thing in and of itself. I certainly do agree that any choice one makes should be based off of a logical conclusion. In the end though… there are a lot of people who are shouting “WAR!!!” who have not looked at the reality of what war produces. Images like these… or the Chernobyl aftermath, or the Monk in Vietnam who lit himself on fire for his cause… these are the images which show us why we seek other ways of resolving our problems. These are the pictures that have led us to the desire to not use nukes.

All I’m saying is… sometimes pain is a good thing to experience… lest we forget what it means to be human.

hmm… roasted monk… drool

forgive me, I just woke up… :slight_smile:

lol… sok… sounds like my sense of humor.