Irak - gulf war photos

I wish i could do something for that not to happen again.

That’s so sad…

i hope that doesnt happen again:(

sorry i thought i could add something to cheer everything up

All Iraq has to do is declare and disarm WMD.He is the one making it so hard for his people.

Well, this is war - war isn’t meant to be pretty. I’m sure one can find pictures of american soldiers during WWII, WTC, Afghan, or even the video of Daniel Pearl being executed (search for it - you’ll find it). All sides suffer casualties during wars - not only iraqis.

Joey, true - Saddam could be more generous and help his people by providing them with medicine, food, etc. instead of hoarding all the money for himself and building palaces.

EDIT: thx for the correction fester.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:


maybe i should know this, but who is John Walker, and why was he executed?

KIRUPA: my bad, I meant to say Daniel Pearl =)

I think he meant to say Daniel Pearl…the Wall Street Journal: Journalist who was captured and executed shortly after his capture.

John Walker was the American Taliban they found…

my bad, I’m so sorry - I meant Daniel Pearl. I’ll edit the thread. I’m losing it…then again, “how can you lose what you never had” lol!

Kirupa :rambo:


Nobody should actually look for that video, I don’t feel very good. It might be the mcdonalds, but that was disturbing.

I wish nobody had mentioned it. Curiosity murdered the cat’s brain.

…That poor man.

It was very disturbing. I clicked on the video after finding a link for it on this forum, but what I thought would be a hoax, ended up being something real and gruesome. I was not prepared for that - I felt a little queasy and saddened for a few hours afterwads.

thank you for the warning. thats why we shouldnt go to war. :-\

I think I’m already feeling better. Thanks for your comforting, though, Kirupa. Heheh.

I’ve seen worse on movies, but I knew it wasn’t real. I’ve read worse in books, but it was second hand, or fictional (plus i didn’t <i>see</i> it)… That was a bit of an eye-opener.

the pictures where enough to make me hit the big x and get out. :-\

You all need to research a bit more on the war :wink:

God Bless America.

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I know my opinion differs from most everybodys here…and most of you know my opinion…

I am going to take daves stance…

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sorry i posted that… its just i just won’t bear watching war on TV without actually being able to do something against it…