Is anyone interested [Art&Design]?

Ok, let’s start from this. This game will be coded and developed in Macromedia Flash. RPG is called Star Forge Online or SFO. It’s Star-Wars-Related game. So if there are any people who want to join the team to make the best RPG ever, or because you like Star Wars movies or games, please go to this page:


You will see all information on the first page.

Btw, this is not “yet another RPG game”. I will contribute and put all my efforts on this Project. If you just could imagine level of design in this game! I don’t have any screenshots of it yet, since I just started a development of Star Forge Online, but everything is explrained in my detailed feature list, which will be given to each member after joining.

P.S.: Proffesional designers and programmers are required!

This is just Art And Design Part,
for more available positions
visit my site, link is above.

1) Concept Art
A) Characters
B) Weapons
C) Items
2) Textures for the Environment
3) Buildings*
4) Level Design