i have a combobox in my movie … actually two … but the point remains the same.
i have data in them and i have set the click handler to “selected” but i don’t know where to go from there.
its been suggested to me that i use an array to define what i want each selection to do ( but i don’t know how to do that) it’s also been suggested that i use a long string of if-then statements. i understand how to write an if-then statement in flash so i think i can do this one … i just don’t understand how to refer to the objects in the combobox.
any help on this would be greatly appreciated
thanks in advance
pom … i checked through the tutes and found what you were talking about … but i really am too dumb apparently to figure out how to apply it to my flash movie.\
gary_bydesign: i would appreciate you emailing to me or posting that source here so i can hopefully use it … since the link didn’t work
case Kirupa:
trace("you picked Kirupa, awesome source of tutorials and answers");
case Flashkit:
trace("you picked Flashkit, a good source of fla's, loops, backgrounds");
case Phong:
trace("you picked Phong, a great site for Photoshop tutorials");
also, do a search for OnChange and you will find other examples I’ve writton on these forums. Hope it helps.
Iammontoya: don’t suppose there’s anyway I could get you to post a source file using the combo box and having it gotoAndStop on a particular frame of an mc depending on which button you select.
i know thats a lot to ask … but i really don’t understand what to do with that code and i think maybe if i saw an example of it working … i’d be able to figure it out.
thank you so much in advance.
p.s. i searched for OnChange and kirupa returned 0 results
You must have used the wrong search. You have to use the grey search button at the top of this page. I just tried it and it returned 8 results. More than enough to explain what you’re trying to accomplish.