Is it going somewhere?

i’m workin on a new design here…
i thought i’d get your opinion on the interface before goning into animation !!..

very clean and looks like it’ll be easily navagatable.

add some nice flashy movements and it’ll be a winner!

it’s a bit dark, but overall I think it has potential. Keep us
updated, it looks like it’s gonna be cool. :slight_smile:

… i will…
thanks for the remarks !!!

I don’t like the background the layout sits on, it doesn’t go well well together. I think a white background would be more suitable for your blue layout. =)

Also thapanther, could you adjust your footer to 300x60 or smaller, it’s too big.

ok changed the banner … i’ll look in to that color …!!!

Thanks for fixing your footer panther. =)

I like this footer so much better than the other one!

nice job panther. :slight_smile:

I think that it’s too dark and too blue, maybe it’d look better if
background was white or something, overall it’s pretty clean =) .

ok…that’s second opinion about the back ground … means thatn that it will be changed !!! thanks for your opinion

continue-ing progress !