Is It Real?

does anyone know if the free version of real player has spyware, or other annoying things. i checked there privacy policy and got no answer.

or does any1 know of any like spyware scanner

“ad-aware” and “spybot search and destory”

first one is free, but there is a ‘premium’ version

second one is completely free

as for spyware on free real player, who knows…the way it acts; I wouldn’t doubt it.

Well, it’s kind of a coïncidence, but I also downloaded the free version of the Real Player today. So far, I haven’t encountered any pop-ups…popping up which didn’t before (but that would probably indicate adware, right? :-\ )

Anyway, I use Ad-aware to get rid of all sorts of annoying files which may be hiding on your harddrive, but I don’t know if that resolves spywareproblems too. Just do a search on google for spyware removers, you’ll come up with tons o’ stuff.


  • El_Thierro

Darn, you beat me to it Pr :beam:

Check out Adaware by Lavasoft.

cool got a link?

downloads section at the top, it’ll be under the favorites

i’ve used RP before and it’s annoying as all the so called ‘freeware’ always trying to sell something and the weak spot i found on it, it’s some kind of dll or dunnowhat that launch at startup and aparently send some “feedback” to the RP network, just check ur startup items or run>mscconfig>startup.

same for quicktime.

Ad-Aware worked good for me, but I have heard better things about Spybot Search and Destroy. However in my personal experience Spybot always froze halfway through scanning. I have no clue why, but it is most likely just an issue with my system since I haven’t heard this problem from anyone else I know that uses it.

hmmm…adaware had pretyt bad reviews. it said all the good reviews were fake

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Ad-Aware worked good for me, but I have heard better things about Spybot Search and Destroy. However in my personal experience Spybot always froze halfway through scanning. I have no clue why, but it is most likely just an issue with my system since I haven’t heard this problem from anyone else I know that uses it. **

That EXACT SAME PROBLEM occured with me! Seriously. That’s why I had to uninstall it and search for something else. :!:

i’ve tryed both before, and i stick to SBSAD just cuz it’s completly free, and Adaware have some features that are only for the full paid version, but i never had any prob with Adaware at all, yes i’ve heard it may be dangerous if u use it without knowing what are u doing, but …

i can’t complain…

spybot is good.

I use Spybot and it gets a pretty awesome review from I’ve never had problems, it’s fast, easy to use and effective :rd:

lost they both freeze for me during scanning, at least 95% of the time,

i believe its because the amount of files it is scanning outweighs the memory allotment or something, but if i jsut let it go, it does eventually finish.

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**lost they both freeze for me during scanning, at least 95% of the time,

i believe its because the amount of files it is scanning outweighs the memory allotment or something, but if i jsut let it go, it does eventually finish. **

Yeah i had that problem when I was fixing my g/f’s computer and my friends computer. They have so many files on their computers because they are like 2+ years old, and they don’t really take care of their system so files are everywhere. Its just that “the amount of files outweighs the memory allotment” let them run and dont touch them for a while and it should work fine right thru the end.

I suggest Spybot. I use it all the time.

spybot is the best, and it got editors choice in PC Mag. I use it and always find stuff. and it tells you what it can delete and cant too, thats always nice.

Sphynx: Its a spyware remover.

prstudio and jubba:

I have let it sit… at the 20 minute mark I gave up and quit out of it. Should I have waited longer?