Is kazaa getting weird?

*Originally posted by Soul *
**I rename my songs to other names, so when people download them they think they’re getting a different song, mwhaha :bad:

I’m funny :thumb:

  • Soul :s: **

LOL - ahhh that is funny you evil evil person :stuck_out_tongue:

Recently I read an interesting article in Rolling Stone about how artists and bands don’t get treated that well by the labels…That’s when you have to be a smart band and tell the label to you know what…

Hey daveman, would I know this friend of yours? Are they well known here?

Also, why does the forum frown apon pirated software, but will provide links for music??

Thats a good point. Its funny you mention it because I am all for ripping free music but not for applications…

I guess we are all full of double-standards

yeah but if it’s there for FREE!

how is going to say… "no, i think it will go spend the $1000+ instead2 when it could be a **** program like swift 3d

yeah ****ing right, like that happens

and how to stop musci swaping is become a teeny-bopper band and then little kids buy the music because they don’t no how to steal it.:thumb:

if you look the most downloaded people are rappers and rockers

all bands that older (15-30) people like, you never see *nsync for download:sure:

not true – you type in nsync or backstreet boys and see how many downloads come up.

too many!!

ye, I was about to say that about nsync… anyway, they’re clearly gods :wink:

ok… so what about all the people involved in making that program? if everyone stole the program, the makers wouldn’t get paid. their business would go under and they would (obviously) stop producing world-class products for you and I to use… and then YOU’D be the one that was ****ed…

but I guess you’re ok with that? :sigh:

i see we found some 'nsync fans:smirk:

Actually, I think that forum policy on piracy, illegal software etc extends to downloading music as well.

Sorry to be a spoilsport.

slips Kit a fiver :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I won’t dare to ask what that’s for :wink:


brownnose :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**I won’t dare to ask what that’s for :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: **



The sales of a CD are split into points. THese points represent a dollar amount agreed open in the reccored deal(Usaly a $1 a point). Unless a band is indie or had a realy good lawyer there point scale isnt’ to high. For like nsync on there original record deal the had a point each. Now when a CD cost 3 cents to make and ship and cost $15 and the band you like doesnt even see half the money i can see why ppl jsut download music.

If you really want to support your favorite artist go see them in concert. This is where most artist make the majority of there money. From ticket and t-shirt sales.

Also never use kazza. The addware and spyware alone dont’ make it worth it. There is a program named Kazza Lite. NO add or spy ware at all. It ties into the same kazza network and has better speeds. It is the same app built with the same code and even uses the same graphics in the menu bar. It was created for a easy way to download music. for all you curious folk.

Oh also one other thing. If a band realy wants to stop there music form being downloaded there is a very effective way. Just realese a doaen or so versions of the song all with crap recordings and spots of the song missing and label them all “CD quality” or “Good Version” or have one of those intros where the band talks about the song and where to buy it.

I have seen bands like Sum 41 do this. IT is very effective and makes it amolst impossible to get a good recording of a song.

or you can do what Madonna did, and release bogus mp3’s that start off with her saying loudly, “What the F**k are you doing?”

Yep that is exactly what i’m talking about majeye.

its funny alot of people actually use p2p crappy programs i always recommend what i consider the best app when it comes to find whatever you want hands down its MIRC no competition to this fabulous app :beam: everything else is just a piece of sh!T JMHO