Is kazaa getting weird?

no competition? how about the rooms where they post ftps, or when you have to wait in unlimited lines, or queues to download something. I do have to say that i thank that program for some of the stuff i want. it’s also where most things pop up first before hitting kazaa or any other p2p program. there’s also bittorrent…

Hang on, I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about things like this? And people start posting links to Kazaa Lite and the like? lol!

*Originally posted by sintax321 *
Now when a CD cost 3 cents to make and ship and cost $15 and the band you like doesnt even see half the money i can see why ppl jsut download music.
sintax, honourable as that sounds… do you honestly believe that the majoirty of people download music because the artists are getting ripped off? No… people download because they don’t want to pay. Free. Everyone expects everything to be free :confused: Yes, I think CDs (here in the UK) are overpriced. I won’t say I don’t download songs, because I do, but if I like a couple of tracks, I will always buy the album… and if I dont like it… well… i’ll delete it :slight_smile:

in this respect, this increases CD sales (and leaves singles sales unaffected as I wouldn’t buy a single regardless of whether I could get it free or not). But there are plenty of shameless people that download hundreds of full albums… how does this benefit the artist?

i have never downlaoded a whole album in my life. If i ever found an album worth downloading the whole thing i buy it. Like System of a down, the white stripes, red hot chilli peppers bands that are worth buying i do.

But when a band only has a couple good songs and there CD is $15+ and a single is $5+ i can’t jsutify the purchase. Especialy when the money mostly goes to recorcd company.

Also i dont’ care what the majoties reasons are i know why i download music. I would rather save my money so i can buy a concet ticket when they come to town.

m8, don’t worry, I’m not doubting your good intentions. it’s just that whilst there are quite a few people like us (who actually pay for stuff), there are millions more who have no conscience whatsoever - as such, the record companies have to looked at it in the most pessimistic way possible: that everyone is a theiving bastid :smiley:

kazaa is not illegal, but using it is.

well, asphalt, what debunks your theory of people not wanting to pay for stuff is iTunes. No one had ever expected them to do so well.

People like the convenience of not having to go to a record store, or having to buy a full album of crappy songs for a one hit wonder.

well… not sure about that one… i’d have to take a look at the figures. but yes, it’s definitely a step in the right direction. how much do they charge for a song lavaboy? I’m pretty sure 15 sngs from iTunes costs considerably less than a CD in the UK.

they charge 1 buck for each song

how much do CDs cost in the US?

from 13 to 20 dollars.

yeah I’ve seen disks in the US that are 25 or so. Depends on the store, the band, the age of the disc, popularity, etc etc… usually around 17-20 for new release popular bands.

yeah, never buy CDs from Tower Records since they overprice everything they have. Best Buy or Circuit City is probably the best place to get CDs at a reasonable price ($12~$15) for well known bands. If you want really cheap CDs, i’d recommend buying from Wal-Mart or Target. they have CDs ranging from $5 - $10 on less-known yet awesome bands. of course, they have the popular bands at the same price as bestbuy/circuit.

I buy everything online. Textbooks, CDs, DVDs… is the way to go. You can usually find really good used stuff $5-25 cheaper. Thats where I get all of my stuff.

thor your footer confused the crap outta me.

what do you mean? (hehe)

the mouse went behind the lettesr… its not supposed to do that! lol I didn’t realize what was going on…

amazon is pretty expensive (UK) esp with their shipping costs (even for all you british folks: - every CD (pretty much) is £8.99 or less, no shipping charges. Fantastic prices tbh!

Yeah, I tend to get online CDs from cd-wow. Books and that I buy from Amazon, but music… :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, and Lava, when’s your next radio show up? :slight_smile:

for me, i use Direct Connect, it’s a really heavily populated but low popularity service…it hasn’t gone ‘Kazaa’ yet, everything it has is still 99% perfect. I get most of my music either my radio or MTV first, then if i like it…i’ll download a few tracks…if i really love it, i would buy the album just to support the music industry.

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
Actually, I think that forum policy on piracy, illegal software etc extends to downloading music as well.
