Is kazaa getting weird?

i think downloading is fine…as long as u don’t rely on it for everything

wot i do i get my friends bands music put it on my pc change the name to liek whatevers popular or number 1 on the chart at that moment and then all my mates bands get heard if people like em awesome. Audiogalaxy was cool and really fast on my little 56k. I aint never come into contact with blank files I usually just get it off more than 1 person so it generally isnt a dodgy 1, You guys in america think u got it bad payin $15 for ur cds thats like 10 quid I have to pay £16 for my cds at the least when britain stops charging stupid prices or at least my local record store is when i stop gettin music, speakin of which i gotta download the new teen idols cd (i saw them on saturday with less than jake (myfave band) allistair and the pietasters ) so cya later alligators


kinda same with my band…i don’t play in it, but i’m their official manager, to promote my songs, I name the ID3 tags of some really popular song on Kazaa (I don’t use it), but the file name would be the actual band name. When someone downloads it, the file will say it’s our band, but only the ID3 will say someone else’s, at least, it’ll give them a good trial of our music.

*Originally posted by Maxtr0sity *
**I name the ID3 tags of some really popular song on Kazaa (I don’t use it), but the file name would be the actual band name. When someone downloads it, the file will say it’s our band, but only the ID3 will say someone else’s, at least, it’ll give them a good trial of our music. **
em… lol? you don’t use kazaa? that’s impressive, I thought the whole point of kazaa was that it’s p2p file-sharing… how do people download your band’s songs if you don’t use kazaa…?


i don’t use it for downloading, i use it only for promoting our music. I use Direct Connect for all my downloading.

you know max, when I come across a song like that, I delete it, and it goes on my blacklist.

lol…well…i guess so…we’re trying to promote our music so that someday…it may actually hit a label or something like that. I guess it’s a lame way to do it, but I can’t reallly think of any other way. Also, we’ve posted our music on around…20-30 music sites, hopefully, we’ll get something out of it.

the best way to promote your band is to have a good show.

Lava, when’s your next radio show going up? I need to prepare my defence… :stuck_out_tongue:

We play at all the local performances that I can get them in. Once, on a desparate attempt, I even booked my band for a slot in middle of a rap concert, it was pretty bad, all the African Americans just boo-ed us, but the other 60% where cheering. :slight_smile:

do yours first… haha.

Oooo, cheat!