Is my guestbook hard 2 find?

Very nice idea :slight_smile:

Love the first page but I think u should try making the lines a little cleaner in your layout. Also check the font, it’s a little hard to read.

Also, while scrolling the whole layout started shifting continously until i clicked somewhere on it… u might wanna fix that up a little.

Otherwise me likes :wink:


Ok here are my comments:

  1. You have a nice splash page, but those counters at the bottom must go, they’re killing your splash page.

  2. As for design, your site has a nice concept.

  3. As for usability, your site is extremely confusing and hard to navigate. It took me awhile to figure out that I had to drag the buttons to the portal.

  4. You site seems to shift around when certain things are clicked, is that suppose to happen? It seems a bit odd if that was intended.

I had the same problem with my first site too, it was hard to navigate and people didn’t like it so I changed it a lot since then so good luck with yours. =)

Give your opinions please, cuz seems like on average ppl dont see it. I didnt intend for it to be that way. Should I just put “GUESTBOOK” ?

thanx for the comments, Demonia I think what u experienced was teh ‘auto high’ feature flash has, bases the quality on processor performance. so it shifts automatically from high to low and vice-versa depending on the cpu performance. Think I should just leave it at “low”? You can adjust the quality by clicking “O” on the site

Spankevelli, please don’t create multiple threads for your site critiques. I know you probably did it by accident so I went ahead and merged your new thread with this one that you’ve made before. =)

your site is mast0rrrrrrrrrr !!!

it so totally roxxx … really like the concept

the look of the site is really nice. but the navigation is not user friendly. you should either change it or give some kind of indication of how it works.

I also think it’s a bad idea to have the main site draggable, it’s easy to drag it off the stage and not be able to get it back.

And you’re guestbook could be a bit more obvious. though it is cool. it doesn’t deal with apostrophes well though. I typed “it’s” and my entry produced " itandapos;s"

Know why [LEGO MAN] or anybody, about the apostrophy problem?