Site check

hi i just finsihed a new version of my site and was looking for some opinions. Its my second html version ive had a few different flash versions but i got tired of updating them so i went back to something simple.

Anyways enjoy i hope :slight_smile:

Not bad, looks pretty clean and the javascript snow flakes goes really well with your theme. The only suggestion I have is maybe incorporate your counter to your layout somehow instead of having it sit on the side like that. Also your text is a lil hard to read, but thats just me, I have poor vision. And just incase you didnt know, your info link is broken. I guess thats about it, nice work so far. =)

yea i took that counter off and i know the info link is down the site isnt complete yet. As for the theme i just went with a christmas type theme for the holidays and ill switch to something different after

Cute page you have there…
Test your guestbook (something with targeting is wrong)…

hmm what u mean it reads the a: on your machine? i dunno why it does that i searched the code and i cant figure it out any suggestions?

*Originally posted by pegleg *
**hmm what u mean it reads the a: on your machine? **

No. When I posted a message (in guestbook.htm’s) right frame. Than the page reloads in itselfs.
So you have two result pages in same time.

**i dunno why it does that i searched the code and i cant figure it out any suggestions? **

You are submitting the results to “/data/handler.asp”. Try to change the “handler.asp”. As I’m not an ASP expert :frowning: I just suggest to check out to respons target. (should be guestbook.htm???)

Play a littlebit… :crazy:

oooooo lmfao thank you so much didnt even notice that ill take care of that

*Originally posted by pegleg *
**oooooo lmfao thank you so much didnt even notice that ill take care of that **

No problemo.
To do:

  1. Fix the page title.
  2. You have somewhere a link to a://something, so when I load the page, the comp is still trying to read from my floppy drive.
    :bad: :frowning: :*( :-\ :sleep: :slight_smile:

yea ive serached my code and i have no clue why it does that ill keep searching

here is the main part of the asp code see if ya can see anything wrong please

sourceDSN="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
sourceDSN = sourceDSN & " DBQ=" & location

set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") sourceDSN

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "SELECT guestbook.guestPK, guestbook.guestName, guestbook.guestEmail, guestbook.guestComments, guestbook.hasChild, guestbook.guestFK, guestbook.guestDate, guestbook.guestTitle FROM guestbook ORDER BY guestbook.guestPK DESC;"
rs.Open sql, conn, 3, 3

response.write "<HTML>"
response.write "<BODY bgcolor=#7B85AD>"

link href=“file:///A|/web.css” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css”

This line is in the file which shows the entries in the guestbook.

href=“file:///A|/web.css” change to href="/web.css"

holy crap!!! it was right infront of my face thank you so much it was so obvious. Its like when you are looking for your car keys for hours and they end up in your pocket. You’ve been a big help thanks,

U R welcome!