Is it possible to make ONE…i repeat, ONE…graphic with a 10(or so)% alpha at the bottom, and 50 or so at the top.
i want this to be a menu for a site i’m working on.
you might be able to do it with a mask on top. have the maks be an alpha gradient… i’m not sure tho… never tried…
Jubba: Masks do not support alpha settings. They just go by the shape, so that wouldn’t work.
As for what you are saying… yes it is possible.
Method 1) Go to Window/Color Mixer and make your own linear gradient that has the fade you want, then draw a rectangle at the bottom with that fade (use the fill transform tool… in the tools panel… to rotate the gradient)
Method 2) Since .png images support partial transparency you can create the fade on the image in Photoshop or something (making sure it is on a transparent background) then exporting the image as a .png image and importing that into Flash.