Using a .png as a mask?

Now I’m pretty **** sure I’ve done this before but for some reason it doesn’t seem to be working now. If anyone has any ideas, or could direct me towards a relevant tutorial/forum posting on this site I would be grateful.

cheers - d

well if you did use it as a mask, it was broken apart and had no alpha blending. Of course in that state, you might as well just use a flat colored shape.

No - when I did it before I created a fade from black to transparent in photoshop, saved it out as a png with a transparent background and then used that as a mask in flash giving the mask a gradient, which is why I know the png wasn’t broken apart.

Hmm - gonna have to track down those source files…

Masks cannot contain an alpha fade. Masks create the masked area based on a full shape and shape alone, nothing else really matters.

You could however create a faux mask using a .png image (or a custom gradient in Flash) to make it appear as something is fading by putting that faded image/gradient on a layer above what you are fading in.

Yeah that sounds right…i do believe the gradient was just an image the same colour as the background stuck over the top of the layer I wanted to mask.

D*amn - i’ll have to do it another way. Cheers for your time anyway.

Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

Sen: Do you think Macromedia Flash will every support transparency in masks? Or is that just an impossibility due to the way masks work? (I ask you because you are one of the flash gods, if anyone knows, it is you… or Macromedia)

I dont think so. Director supports them, but only for other bitmaps. I dont think the effort needed to apply a gradient mask in Flash would be worth it to the Flash player.

That’s what I figured, was just curious though, it would of been a nice feature.

Actually Flash 5 supported alpha masks. Thats how I used to do fades. You could also make things like wipes with semitransparent edges. We should complain to Macromedia and ask them to change it back for Flash 7. As well as adding a spell check.

When I updated to MX, I didn’t know that they changed it. So, I asked for help when it didn’t work. Let me see if I can dig up the thread.

here it is: