It's a good day!

hahahah I got into a gaming company!!! I met with them this morning and I got the position as their web designer for a up coming video game that they’re developing.

I signed a confidentiality agreement so I can’t really say much about the game, but I’m extremely excited because this is a BIG step for me.

Not only will I be working on this video game site, they have other web projects lined up as well so I’m basically set this year. =)

Sorry, I just wanted to tell someone because there’s no one here to share it with. :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats buddy! :beam:

Thats awsome man.

Wow … Congratulations Electron :beam: That’s one big job you’ve got there :slight_smile:

Thanks guys, I need the money too, student loans are still haunting me…

Congrats! :thumb:

Give us a little more info :bad: Just a little more, what genre of game?

  • Soul :s:

Now that I can say, it’s an RPG style type of game.

RPG’s are the best kind of games, if you ever need any help you know who to call. . . . .GHOSTBUSTERS!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck and I am sure it will kick ***!!! :tie:

congrats and good luck. btw, which company is it?

Oh My Gosh! You lucky piece of cake! Congratulations ma man! Thx for sharing!

congrats EG…

I hope some of the industry comes back to SF…


Congratulations EG. :slight_smile: Shame you’ve copyrighted those big colourful texts, because I think you deserve one. :beam:

yeah man sounds like a good deal! and you never know, if they do more maybe you will be doing more than just web? but congrats anyway! (PS when you can let us know what the title is, but thats when you can)

Congratulations EG, I can’t think of anyone more deserving. :A+: :thumb:

Congratulations man… you really do deserve it. The fact that its for an RPG is amazing. That’s so cool that you get to do this. Have a blast. Feel free to flash subliminal "xxviii"s into peoples minds on the site. :beam:

Can you say the name of the company?? =) Congrats im happy for you. =)

But i think im going to say the name of the Game (you’ll thank me later electron geek)…

Its Pong 2. I have sources that works close to Electrongeek (wont say who… whispers your neighbor…) and Pong 2 will be a big hit…

lol im just kidding thought it’d be funny. lol

Congrats. =)

congrats EG. your finally catching up to my skills in web design.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
Congrats again!!!

ray! pong 2! w/colour! creams pants

ANd … get this… Round Balls… =) lol

Awesome! Congratulations EG!