It's funny, but I am frustrated

I created a button with some roll over effects added some load movie action to load external movie.swf file, everything works perfect except I need about 12 same buttons but with different loadMovie command I mean to load different swf files. so what I did to make it fast I copied the first button and pasted it 12 times so I made 12 nice buttons, but the problem I have is that when I change button 2 load movie settings it automatically changes every button, so I am a little frustrated, I need some help to clear this issue

I hope you guys understand what I mean


you could have continued this discussion over the previous thread…

anyways, ttry this:

on the code for the buttons, on the loadMovieNum use that:

loadMovieNum(this._name+".swf", 1);

and give to the MCs with the buttons inside intance names of the files that they must load. ex:

McButton1 should load the portfolio.swf - give the mc the instance name of portfolio. without the .swf thing.

Hey Guig0

This problem has been fixed, Guig0

I have another issue that frustrates me a lot. I made 12 copies of the same button, (this time I am talking about totally different story) so I have 12 buttons on the stage exact same ones (I duplicated them by copy and paste) but the problem I am having this time is that all the buttons load same movie.swf even when I change loadMovie settings to load a different new.swf and after that all the buttons load that new.swf movie file. How do I change in action script so each button would load a different swf file.

what do you mean by this problem was fixed? did you used my code?

if you use my code, and then give unique instance names to each mc (names of the movies they should load) it will work.

hey Guig0

Cool, i did what you told me and Iam having multiple orgasms now, hehe:beam:

thanx a lot, you are the man

why hasnt Guig0 ever given ME multiple orgasms ?

maybe you are on menopause hehe :wink:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**why hasnt Guig0 ever given ME multiple orgasms ? **


it´s hard to please a man like you sen…:wink:

eyeball: glad to hepl ya =)

guig0 >> :love: :love:

*Originally posted by ilyaslamasse *
**guig0 >> :love: :love: **

Mmmm…i´m not sure what i think about that… :-\

…are you saying that you love me? that i´m a lovable person? that i´m a tender guy?..

…I love you too my french fella! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: