Oh did i mention OSX is a resource hog?? making the OS nice and pretty does that it slows it down thats why you are more productive and the OS is faster because at least in windows you can turn off the blasted winxp pretty interface crap me i got my winxp box as win98 classic mode with all animations turned off, a computer is used to work not look good, well mines at least is
I use iTunes with my Ipod, only.
Its the only way i can level the volume of the tracks without re sampling all my mp3s
I still use Winamp for listening to mp3s
yeah it is a hog, it takes forever to boot up, i will give you that one. but panther is gonna kick some arse.
sen i can see that but my windows runs SO slow and i am on a new mobo, new proccesser, new gfx card, man its a new comp minus the HD’s. so i dont get what thats all about, and i run spybot like every day.
well the funnny thing is your computers speed is not based on the processing speed nor the ram is based on your HD, if you dont believe me get a new HD and see the diffrence and if you really want to see a real BIG diffrence get a SCSI HD seems alot of people actually think the computers speeds is all in the processor and ram when most of the time those arent used to full capacity
D@mn those computer hardware clases come in handy :beam:
Well its a combination of all those things :sure:
but processor speed is certainly not it alone.
The PC I work on (that seems less clunky) is 600Mhz
The Mac (OSX) is a dual 1.25Ghz
OSX has a lot to do with that though. It is a resource hog and it takes a bit just to run the interface. Thats one reason Longhorn has been delayed. They’re waiting for the technology to catch up enough to handle the system/interface. The new GUI has all that Quartzy movement, window scaling and manipulation etc. Its pretty crazy.
With 10.3 (osx) and Quartz Extreme, especially on a G5, the interface will definitely have some gains and thats exciting news. I’m looking forward to that, but it still pisses me off that you can only resize a window from that one freakin little corner. And if that wasnt bad enough, you cant move a window by edge chrome either, as you could with os 9. In fact most edge chrome is gone all together which reduces window definition.
And while Im on a mac rant (not that I intend to have this go beyond this post), there seems to be this odd contradiction in … eh forget it, I dont want to start anything. Windows has its problems too
it sure does but theres always a way to work around them and they dont limit you to do the things you want to do
you can pull the window from the bottom right if thats what you mean. yeah see windows is taking the same route. hehe i am trying to get mom to preorder 10.3 for me, but i am gonna see if i can get the tech dept. to give the the disk…heheh, sho8uldnt be a big deal cause htey have a network license on everything. but once that comes i donno if i will ever use my old pc agian. gotta get teh G5 up in “herre.” well i gotta come up with a few k first, then get the G5. school has two of them. shesh i am jelous, you gotta admit thats one fine matchine!