Well its official John Howard has won the 2004 election for Australia, and after Lathems pathetic campaign I now understand why Australia chose Howard to run for another 4 years. Mr.Lathems Campaign in the last 6 weeks has been nothing but absolute crap comming from his mouth, attacking Mr.Howard on useless issues trying to persuade voters to vote for him.
With the country running perfect for the last 3 years the question to people was still “Why Change Leaders??”, Sure some people might think that Howards policy on sending troops to Iraq was a bad decsion but still thats no reason to throw him out of government, I mean the countrys 800 Billion dollare economy is absolutly outstanding and when comparing this to the previous Labour governments who had us in debt then why trust Lathem??
In my opinion im very happy with Australia voting for Mr. Howard - why change governemtns for no reason? With Howards policies for the campaign just as good as Lathems then why vote him out?? and with Lathem wanting to bring our troops back from Iraq by christmas then why put him in power - our troops have gone to Iraq by Howard and therefore they should stay there until the job is finished.
Well done Howard - Mr Lathem go back to your hole…