When me and some of my friends have break, we go “downtown” (… nothing special, it’s like 2 supermarkets and a grocery)… And (un)fortunaly all these very, very, very strange people lives here… There’s this HUGE (I mean like 450 pounds…) lady walking around, eating these pork-burgers everyday, and this enormous man (We’re expecting him to be the brother of the huge lady), that is talking with himself… And here comes the point:
We laugh at them… Not “In their face”, but behind their back, and sometimes it’s obvious that they notice us…
Then a couple of days ago I saw THIS on YouTube:
… and I was like “Oh no… Am I to expect that?? :ex:”
I know I “kinda” deserve it, but atleast I don’t make fun with them… But what’s your opinion? (Notice: This is not some joke to make you laugh… I’m actually serious!)
Btw: That Nelson-clip made several of my days!