I'm pissed off

well, so my bus was 20 minutes late today and THEN, he didn’t see me, i guess, because he went right past me!!! are these people alive when the drive?

maybe he was catching up on schedule. i hate when that happens. public transportation around my area hasn’t been real trusting lately either.

i mean as if it doesn’t suck already!! the drivers just don’t give a **** and that’s it.

I bet he did see you :slight_smile:

Flash Him - and I dont mean with a keyboard and mouse :wink:

Guarentee he will stop!

or crash into a tree…

Or scream in horror and drive faster!

lol…just kiddin hun


oh something tells me he wouldn’t run! :stuck_out_tongue:

in a bus?

he wouldn’t be able to run very far…

don’t take it so literally. in this case run=drive.

anyways, he would be so stricken by my beautiful breasts that he would be left speechless!!

oh yeah? prove it :stuck_out_tongue: lez see a pic! :stuck_out_tongue:

j/k :wink:

…or am I…?

*Originally posted by pinx *
**anyways, he would be so stricken by my beautiful breasts that he would be left speechless!! **


thats funny… not a slam on you, one of my friends said almost the same exact thing the other day… lol

only if i can see yours! haha

MY breasts? =)

i’ll show you mine if you show me yours. hahaha get it, you have none.

does that mean you don’t have any too? :stuck_out_tongue:

oh believe me, i have plenty.

Did I hear plenty !? :beam::stuck_out_tongue:

you heard right, my lad.