.jpg Files Don't Load

I’m following the tutorial to produce a slide show (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/photogallery.asp).

For some reason, the .jpg files don’t load… there are no errors, and all I get is a screen with a black rectangle on it. (NOTE: attempted this via CTL-ENTER / test mode).

Suggestions? Thanks!

*Originally posted by jljacoby *

and I assume this is posted in the flash 5 forum that you are using 5 and not mx?

Yes, I’m using Flash 5.

(By the way, nice Icon!)

Same problem here in flash 5
no errors, and also a blank screen…
used the *.fla for flash 5 and a seperate map with the pictures refering to “animations/”

Didn’t know flash 5 could also load external pictures :-\ ???
It would sure help me a lot.

Senocular bolded the MX in the URL because the tutorial was for MX because it can only be done in MX.

Ah so !
Is it me or are pictures loaded externally with mx load very fast.
no preloader and no heavy swf files…

guess i have to save some to upgrade to MX then.

Depends on the size of the image, sometimes there is a delay when loading them in. Just like a web page.

I’ve noticed that Flash will load images with the .jpg extension, but not the .jpeg with the extra ‘e’. A lot of images I get through have that little ‘e’ in, so I always have to Save For Web first…

Just a little note.

and make sure they are NOT progressive, otherwise they won’t load either.

save for web > check box ‘progressive’ must be out.

Btw how to load .jpg files into a .swf in flash 5?

You could put them in their own .swf files and use loadMovie() that is about the only way to have dynamic .jpg loading into your movie for Flash 5.