Jubba = Mod?

[SIZE=7]Congrats Jubba, you’re a mod!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]

wow I just noticed that your name is now bold which means you’re a mod!?!? :o

lol yeah like a month ago :stuck_out_tongue:


I must of been under my rock for too long…I can’t believe I missed it. haha :beam:

wahoo my name is in bold to. :beam:


haha :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Alex *
**wahoo my name is in bold to. :beam:

Cool that means you’re a mod too Alex, here is your prize. =)


thanks. remind me to get you somethig when your a mod:beam:

hahah I’m glad you have a sense of humor Alex, I hope you don’t mind me picking on you all the time. You’re like the little brother I never wanted. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha thats what im here for. oohh and to ask questions. lol

yea, questions for me to attempt to answer in my n00bish ways and fail miserably to even come close to a solution worth while:chinaman:

Hey, any excuse to use that giant font, right Elec?!

[SIZE=7]I just sneezed, HOORAY![/SIZE]

aww Ren…you killed it…I only use it on special occassions…:frowning:

Aww! I’m just joshin’ yah Elec!

[SIZE=7]Woohoo!! Woot![/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]


ok? lol

arent you proud of me for not spamming in this thread too?
big text… ooOOoooOooo


i´m proud of you, coz this last post was almost not a spam :wink: