Why is that people want you to say that you’re doing ‘so freakin awesome I’m gonna explode into millions of little pieces all over the room, and then those pieces will be awesome, that’s how good I’m doing,’ when they ask you how you are doing? Why is ‘alright’ such an unnacceptable answer? I’m sorta an ‘alright’ guy; you ask me how I am, I’m usually alright. Now sometimes at work it’s ‘fine’ or ‘good’ just because that’s what they wanna hear. But it seems anytime I say I’m alright, someone asks me what’s wrong.
What’s wrong with alright is what I ask them. They always conceede that there is nothing wrong with it, it just implys that something may be wrong…
But wait a second! Alright means something wrong? If everything is ‘all right’ how can anything be ‘something wrong’. It is just ridiculous to assume these things, and follows no logic…
Now don’t expect me to stop saying alright when you ask me how I am. It’l continue, and it’l continue to mean that I’m just that, ‘all right’.
But this brings me to my second point: why do people ask at all?
Does anyone really care? People come into the store, I say hello, they ask how I am am, I say good, ask how they are… I mean what if I said, ‘Well I make min wage, work all the time, and continuously have to cater to the needs of individuals that I deem sub-standard at best; I’m pretty much on the verge of suicide’? Would that change things? Well besides getting a strange look, and probably fired, I doubt they want to talk about it. So why this stupid bland curtosy? Because we live in a society in which a facade that looks good is more important than anything inside or anything real? Why don’t we just freaking get a king and queen while were at it?
I suppose while at work I’ll have to be curtious. But don’t expect me to be saying I’m ‘just great’ when you ask, cause most likely, by that point, I’m doin pretty crappy.