Just for goofs 2: Return of the poses

Again, boring evening, so I threw myself over CAT once more :stuck_out_tongue:

enjoy :slight_smile:

Cool! I like these characters.

You can really tell that they love eachother.:lol:

I too luv to spend my free time staring at a ball laying on the ground… I feel what they are feeling… :tear:

LoL, anywho… again, real nice… very realistic poses.

seeing it here… it makes me think of the Sims… :lol:


oh well, I’ve killed an hour… I think I’ll go get a glass of milk now…

goes to get a glass of fresh milk


I just re-used the green shiny ball from my last thread on poses… It just felt right :slight_smile:

< sick mind > Check out her box < / sick mind > :lol:


get your mind outta the gutter boy… :stuck_out_tongue:

CG… that was a good one.

Eilsoe… f-n amazing man! I know that this might just be a quick practice to you, but I really really dig those. If you could send me some super high res versions I’d make them artwork on my wall. I’ll even pay you. I’m dead serious too.

Wow i love these models! They are great - something about them is just very very calming?

Very good stuff!

I like the way in the second picture you can see that their head are connected. It was probably an accident but it looks real cool and probably symbolises something. I’m just not sure what.

you know, I might just do that, you don’t need to pay, just send me a print too :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been planning on having my renders printet proffesionally and hanging them on my wall :slight_smile:

PM me with details, maybe we can work something out.


it’s by no means meant to be perfect, those models are modified (by me) biped models from the CAT plugin for max.

I was just screwing with poses, not perfection :slight_smile:

the images (ESPECIALLY the second) are meant to portray emotions, not just purdy render :wink:


those are awesome!

edit: man… I wish I could afford a prog like cat :scream:

man… that costs a ton of money! or at least for me it does

I think they all do an amazing job of conveying an emotion. I love the top two for the romance I love the 2nd 2 for the normal life. It’s like what it is to be a couple and to be doing things together even when you aren’t doing anything at all. Maybe they could be staring at a little baby person? that would be cool.

Taking pics of your legos again Elisoe? :stuck_out_tongue:

j/k - those are awesome! Makes me wish I was artistic in some way . . . :chinaman:

No 3 is my desktop image. Feel honoured!


I will then :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re awesome man, seriously, keep it up :thumb:

I like the way they’re standing there, staring at their own reflection in the ball :smiley:

one question:

how do you get the effect of the white background with such soft shadows and consistent lighting throughout the entire floor?

Man this is so cool you could take this to the next level!

I’m thinking action figures, lunchboxes, perhaps a motion picture too!

but nodoby saw my question… can somebody give me a link to a tutorial on this sorta style? I feel like a real newbie… :smiley: but I have no idea how to do something like that and no idea on what to search for :wink: