Just for goofs: poses

It’s rainy outside, so I thought I’d give posing a shot.

All in max6 :slight_smile:

Thats really fantastic :slight_smile: especially the ball texture.

kewl. I like the soft shadows. Good render.

Ooh nice ! The poses are very realistic ! Well done =)

man that is freaking sweet !!! i love it all !! especially the guy on the left he is my favourite!! :beam:


Nice work Eilsoe! What are you using to rig the bones setup with??

CAT demo :slight_smile:


awesome plugin :beam:

I’m getting the full as soon as I get some money, it’s so easy to use…

CAT demo

which allows the creation of the limbs - the skelton structure?

I added a few sideshots :slight_smile:

which allows the creation of the limbs - the skelton structure?

the skeletal structure is created along with the limbs, don’t know what you’re asking here… (??)

fugging awesome… !

I was particularly impressed with that little foot helper beneath the actual foot and the way the collar bone angles forward… more natural than it’s character studio counterpart.

the skeletal structure is created along with the limbs

I think this explained it, thanks eilsoe :wink:

no problemos dude =)

Wow - that looks seriously AMAZING eilsoe. I don’t get how you could pull off this with cubes and spheres. I’m making something in 3DSM that has similar structure.

Anyways - Did you use Vray to render? Please don’t say yes…cause that will just kill my hopes. And how did you get the reflections to be smooth? Morse showed me a way to create reflections on spheres and whatnot but the edges of the reflected shapes come out jaggedy. That looks great though.

Once again, great job.

Very nice work man.

They are all posed just like some swanky magazine ad.

nice! I love global illumination. :slight_smile:

Haha :lol:! That’s what I was thinking.

whaddya mean?

Not in a bad way. Those figures are all like in different poses saying “look how sexy I look”.

But anyways - Vray renderer?

you know it :wink:

I hate you. You ruined my hopes for high quality cube rendering :(.
