Just for goofs 2: Return of the poses

Ahhh those are great!!!

Nice & smooth, very nice work Eilsoe. :thumb:


I used VRay for rendering, lighting is a simple VRay-arealight, floor is just a plain white standard max material.

render settings are just standard settings GI (w/ very light blue sky color).

the trick is to tilt the camera angle so the horizon is invisible :wink: … or above the top edge of the pic :stuck_out_tongue:

awww…look at the cute little…plastic…ball?:beam:

Just kidding, it looks awesome! You have a sweet look for that type of style! I’d like to see some interesting wallpapers made from these types of work and a nice hunk of whitespace and maybe some simple text begins daydreaming of wallpapers sorry, I digress…great work!