Me and my bb gun

well i got a bb gun 2 weeks ago. its a replica of a p22 and shoots 230fps. made by crosman and im allowed to shoot it in the city :D. its pretty fun. i made a target with a box behind it so when the bb’s go through the target they land in a box which trails down, through a funnel and into a bowl with some papertowel in it so once i have finished my clips(20 shots per clip in the grip) i can pick up the towel and just empty the bb’s into the container where they came from :party:

i’ll post up pics soon.

anyone else got a bb gun that they shoot?

thats mine>>>>>>>> its really fun, me and my dad have shooting competitions in my backyard.

anyone else shot a real gun either? i shot a semi auto .22, a pump .22, a 12 guage shotty and a few pellet guns too. i live in the city so i cant shoot real guns in my backyard but out of the city i can :smiley: