Anyone else see that? It just came out on satellite yesterday, so I watched it.
Wasn’t it nominated for awards or something? If it was, someone should be shot.
That was one of the crappiest movies I’ve seen in a good long time. Fortunately, I go out of my way to not watch crappy movies. Somewhere I got the idea this was a good movie.
I don’t know. I don’t know.
heehee heeeeeeeeeeeee. Phils a softy.
I havent seen it… heard it wasnt that bad… though I think Im the only person in the world that liked BattleField Earth :-\
Havn’t seen it myself, although I’ve heard of it…
Nice footer by the way, Aislin.
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**battlefield earth was the worst scifi hack of the century. the book it was taken from was like 1300 pages and went on and on and on, just like the movie. the movie was like gone with the wind, except in scifi version. nothing happened fast. sucked monkeys butts. yes, you still are the only person in the world who liked that movie. pewie. spits
pj :o **
lol, see… ? Im sure Id absolutely LOVE K-19 then