** K-team 2 **


Hi team,

We need to get this work started.

Playamarz made a tag board for us to comunicate with each other, but very few ppl went there.

I know it´s not like kirupaforum.com, with the email notification, fancy look, and all, but he spend a lot of his time and effort doing that for us, and it would be unfair and rude to just not use that.
If you feel that the playa´s tag board need some improvement, say it, playa is a hella cool guy, and if he can he will grant your wishes.

Like i said before we need to get this work started, and to start, we need to set up a regular meeting, at playa´s tag board.
So, what i need from you guys is to state a good time when you´ll be availiable to work on this project.

Cheers :bounce:

from 10:00am to 00:00am is good for me.

Specially between 7:30pm to 00:00am (i´m at home).

I’m on randomly… But a typical good time for me would be…

11pm EST to 3 am EST

Annd psssst… :wink: I can make a forum quite like this if needed… But I figured the tag board would be faster… :slight_smile:

any time after 3:00est on weekdays are good for me.

Anytime, I never sleep :love:

I got time from 3pm to 10pm. I’m living on the westcoast, in Portland. I don’t really know the time differences… ;p

hey all, just been added to your team, got some ideas up in the audio player project board. check them out! :slight_smile:

:: i live in australia , but i am pretty much available most of the time , when iam at home. If you want, contact me on msn.


umm… 3pm -> 7pm GMT
and in weekends the whole day… unless I’m goin’ somewhere!

Is everyone able to connet to our IRC Channel? If not, contact me…