K3mical FOrums Are Finally Up!

OMG. After long times of waiting and unrelaible hosts, we found a host and now the forums are up!


thats it. almost no members but we need more. its about games and flash and stuff. come and post!

  • Cheers K3mical

(PS you may even get to be a mod. if your responible!)


yay! someone took my advice and signed up for madsims!
simply because he took my advice I will sign up! Oh joy!

I feel sorry for the server at madsims.net

Actually i gave him that advice, but i read the link in your post, thanks for that m8 [size=1]( better late then never :frowning: )[/size]

Hey i applied for the domain package which was also free, still have no details on that one :frowning: (250 mb’s)

Wow. you guys are the best friends i could ever have. Thanks for all the support.
:frowning: :frowning:

*Originally posted by kh3mical *
Thats it. almost no members but we need more. its about games and flash and stuff. come and post!

jah… I wonder why? [size=1]because there are millionds of forums like that.[/size]

*Originally posted by kh3mical *
PS you may even get to be a mod



ahmed, did you mean yay like the “crank yankers” yay.

rofl. i hope so…if not - you should have.

yay i posted a reply yay

We’re just giving you a hard time k3mical. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea i figured