Kazaa Raided


This should be interesting. If you got it installed, I suggest removing it, and deleting the shared folder. Your luck may run out.

In canada it is leagal to download music. It is only illeagle to share and upload music. I have my shared turned off so it is no big deal. I havent’ downloaded in like a year anyway. Winamp radio is all i need right now.

"The group is owned by Universal, Festival Mushroom Records, EMI Music, Sony Music, BMG Australia, and Warner Music Australia, part of CNN’s parent company Time Warner Inc."
wow, some big $$$ behing that! better watch out!
i use shareaza anyway :slight_smile:
And: I always thought: you are allowed to make mp3s from your own records/cds, right?
So how is somebody gonna prove you didn’t own the cd, made your mp3s and then sold it? Or would you be s’posed to then delete the mp3s? Why, you had paid the record…? well…

*Originally posted by eyezberg *
i use shareaza anyway :slight_smile:
And: I always thought: you are allowed to make mp3s from your own records/cds, right?
So how is somebody gonna prove you didn’t own the cd, made your mp3s and then sold it? Or would you be s’posed to then delete the mp3s? Why, you had paid the record…? well… **

Shareaza is cool :slight_smile:

I think it’s illegal to do that(sell CDs once you’ve ripped them) as when you sell the CD you need to destroy backups or something… :trout:

Each music track that you take from one of your own CDs has a unique digital header or “thumbprint.” If the header on the mp3 on your harddrive does not match the header from the CD, then you are busted. RIAA scans for this kind of thing. Someone already got in trouble even when their defense was “but I own almost all the CDs that contain these tracks.” They went back and matched up the numbers and a lot of them didn’t jive.

And if you did “rip” them off your own CDs, then they would be stored in a different place than the Kazaa folder. It is illegal to share those file with another, hence why sintax said he doesn’t activate his share folder.

Shareaza has spyware and adware.

hehe, kazaa lite k++ lets you leach :slight_smile:
no uploading for me :smiley:

I use limewire, it’s probably the next to be raided. One by one the P2P clients will fall. When is a piece of software going to come out that nobody can claim ownership to, can’t be traced, and doesn’t allow you to know who you are downloading from?

I use Soulseek. Owns everything for music.

yeah soulseek is pretty good, but i cant get the new version to work for me.

After further review…

“This sends a very clear signal to Internet pirates in Australia that the game is up,” he said.

The game will never be up. On the 8th day God created software, and then man copied it and man copied it and said “check this out, god gave me this sweet software.”

limewire is riddled as well with spyware…

Ya, but it’s fairly easy to clean. It’s also one of the few programs that will still run after you clean all the spyware out of it.

I’m still using the Direct Connect Beta 9 + Fake Share. DC will almost never get busted because it’s run on individual hubs 90% based in Europe where there is no laws that enforce pirating. Plus, each hub has a disclaimer, so I think that protects its users.

“This should be interesting. If you got it installed, I suggest removing it, and deleting the shared folder. Your luck may run out.”

i dnt think so :P. Seriously the users run the whole show and the kazza dudes just make sure the network is up. Im not running from cops or wateva. I do live here in sydney and for that matter they can get stuffed because im not the only one out there, that may have or may have not dlwd mp3s or wateva. What those coppers gnna do? sue me? Fine sue me :stuck_out_tongue: Sue the whole WORLD :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

how about getting Kazaa Lite resurection

well minimal as long as you understand how the whole thing works…go right ahead and do just whatever you want.

I use IRC. I dought I will ever get caught on there. It’s a chat program after all, not a p2p network.

ok people, let’s not start sharing ways of getting pirated music, if this gets any further im gonna have to lock it.

cheers! :slight_smile:

yeah and I’ve never had one of my threads locked to my knowledge so …yeah. :cop: